Thursday, January 3, 2008

Yanks Not Out of Santana Sweepstakes Yet

From Anthony McCarron of the NY Daily News:
After what he described as a "slow holiday season" for baseball business, Hank Steinbrenner is returning to his office Thursday to begin working on "a final decision" regarding a trade for Johan Santana. And he believes the Yankees have made the top offer for the Minnesota ace.

"I think the Twins realize our offer is the best one," Steinbrenner said Wednesday in a telephone interview. "I feel confident they're not going to trade him before checking with us one last time and I think they think we've already made the best offer."

Steinbrenner said the offer "does not include two of the three young pitchers" - Phil Hughes and Ian Kennedy, from a group that also includes untouchable Joba Chamberlain - "but it's still the best one. And let's face it, we're the best able to handle the kind of contract (extension) Santana will be after."

Hank needs to listen to his baseball people (Cashman), and his financial people (his brother Hal) and stay away from making a potentially stupid trade. If they don't have to give up Hughes then fine, do it, but otherwise the Yankees should stick with what they have.