Here's the full article.
In the article, A-Rod talks about various things, from the pain he felt when his dad left, to the joy he gets helping children, to his relationship with Derek Jeter. He also spoke about the hot-topic of the time, when he opted out during the World Series:
A-Rod did answer questions about what happened on that October night when it looked like he was leaving the Yankees for good. "I was at home with my wife eating dinner and all of a sudden it came on the television," he wrote. "When my wife talks about that day, she says I looked like a ghost." Scott Boras, Rodriguez's cutthroat agent, had fed the news, apparently without his client's knowledge, to Sports Illustrated and the Associated Press less than an hour before Buck announced it on national television. That move, Rodriguez said, resulted in his estrangement from Boras, who is one in a long line of father figures that he has relied on since his own dad walked out when he was just nine years old. In his answers to me, Rodriguez described that night as if it had closed a long, drawn-out, complicated chapter in his life: "I'm glad that time is behind me."If you were ever wondering how hard A-Rod works in the offseason, click here. On Wednesday's he runs 18 straight 110-yard dashes.
And here's what coaches, players, and owners have had to say about Rodriguez over the years.
My favorite quote is from Yankees 2nd baseman Robinson Cano who said, "He is there for me. He makes being a major leaguer easier. There is nothing you can't talk to him about. He will come up and volunteer things, tell you what he knows from being in the game. He's special. I don't think people see that part of him."
Who knew Alex was such a great teammate.
The strangest quotes comes from cheater, and former teammate of A-Rod's, Rafael Palmeiro: "I don't know what he does when he closes the door to his house, but I know when he opens it up and he comes out, it's squeaky clean."
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