Thursday, December 11, 2008

Cashman Flies To Texas To Meet With Pettitte

Accodring to Joel Sherman and George A. King III, Brian Cashman flew to Texas this morning to meet with Andy Pettitte.

Cashman was expected to deliver the following message to Pettitte: We have signed CC Sabathia. We are about to sign A.J. Burnett. We already have Chien-Ming Wang and Joba Chamberlain under control.

So that leaves one rotation spot, and it is time to take the Yankees offer or the organization is prepared to fill that spot and close the door.

The Yankees are offering Pettitte $10 million for 2009. He made $16 million last year and does not want a pay cut. However, the Yankees are insistent he now is more of a No. 4 or 5 starter.

And from the words of one Yankees official it looks like they're playing hardball:

"in the real world, Andy is probably now an $8 million-a-year pitcher at most. We are willing to pay $2 million more because we love him, because he is a Yankee and we want it to stay that way."
Sherman/King also speculates that Cashman may be willing to add some "reachable incentives that will raise the payday beyond $10 million." I think that's a very good idea and might just be what the Yankees will need to do to land the southpaw.


Anonymous said...

What would the pitching rotation look like with Pettitte still on the roster?

Greg Cohen said...

CC, Wang, Burnett, Joba, Pettitte.

Anonymous said...

Andy would be the 4th starter, Joba 5th due to his innings limit.

Sabathia, Wang, Burnett, Pettitte, Chamberlain...

which is good because every other pitcher is a strikeout pitcher

Anonymous said...

How about Andy earns it.. Take the 10 or 12 million. Ok, and a million a win after 12 wins. Meaning once he gets to 12. he earned his 12... and every win after that, he gets a million.

he gets 20 wins.. he made 20 million, more than his 16. If he bombs.. he still gets 12. Seems fair to me

Anonymous said...

A million for every win after 12?
That’s the worse idea ever!
I love Andy, he's a true Yankee, he don’t need money motivation to win, I say give him 12 million for 2009.
It’s a 3 mill pay cut, but I believe it’s fair and Andy worth it.

Anonymous said...

Cashman shouldnt be in Texas with Pettitte, he should be with Texeriera and Boras! Andy is distracting us from the task at hand. We need a big bat and if boston signs Tex, then Hank and Co. are going to force Manny on us!! I want Tex at 1st!!!

Greg Cohen said...

I dunno Peter, I'm not too worried about this. If the Yankees want Teixeira they'll sign him.

Cashman also already met with Boras and Teixeira last week, and I'm sure his cell phone is on.

Anonymous said...

Not Pettitte. Tex.

Anonymous said...

I suppose you are right. But I am concerned that Manny will be the big bat they go after.

Greg Cohen said...

I understand those concerns, there is definitely still the possibility they go after him instead of Teixeira. But if they want Teixeira they'll get him.

Anonymous said...

Rotation of CC, Wang, Burnett/Lowe/Sheets, Pettitte, Joba flat out dominates.

Anonymous said...

Agreed MP, it is a GREAT staff. But, if I want to be doom and gloom on ya, Wang is coming off a season ending injury, Burnett is always hurt and only pitches well in his contract year, Joba is limited in innings and Pettitte is a .500 pitcher with a 4.50+ era, which leaves CC as the "dominate" one. CC was THE KEY to the season.

Anonymous said...

Peter, Wang's season ending injury was to his foot. Before that he led the AL in wins over the previous three years. Wang will be fine. I consider CC and him 1 and 1a.

As for Petitte, I'm glad to hear the Yanks are putting their foot down on this one. Personally, the only way he should be on the Yanks this year is for a significant pay cut. Sheets is just as cheap, way more talented, much younger, and has a huge upside. If Andy rejects the Yanks offer, they sign Sheets and go full steam after Tex. At least thats what I hope.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what they should do with Pettitte, I don't think I'll mind either outcome.