Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Yanks Sign Teixeira

UPDATE 7:30 p.m.: Joel Sherman says the Yankees made this move with 2010 in mind because "Johnny Damon, Hideki Matsui and Xavier Nady are all entering their walk year. So the Yanks were looking at replacing as many as many as three lineup slots." And that "the Yanks will now try to trade at least one player from the group of Damon, Matsui, Nady and Nick Swisher to unclog a logjam in the corner outfield/DH/first base areas, while also trying to reduce some payroll."

While I see how making a move like that makes sense I don't think it's necessary. The Yanks can go with a lineup of

Damon LF
Jeter SS
Tex 1B
A-Rod 3B
Matsui DH
Posada C
Nady RF
Cano 2B
Gardner/Melky CF

(wow what a lineup)

And they can have Swisher, a switch-hitter, split time with Nady and Matsui - Nady would sit vs. some righties and Matsui can sit against lefties. It will also give the Yankees the ability to use Damon as a DH at times. There is nothing wrong with having good bats coming off the bench.

UPDATE 7:22 p.m.:
Bill Madden says that "Teixeira had favored the Yankees all along and according to sources he conveyed that to them this week."

ESPN is reporting that the Yanks have signed Mark Teixeira to a eight-year $180 million deal.

Here's some more from Buster Olney:
The agreement, which is subject to a physical, includes a signing bonus of about $5 million, no opt-out clause and a complete no-trade provision, the sources told Olney.
The contract will pay Teixeira, who made it clear he wanted to make a decision on where to play next season and beyond by Christmas, an average of $22.5 million per season. Boston's offer to Teixeira was for $168 million over eight years, an average of $21 million a year, the sources told Olney.

Not only does this move help the Yankees both offensively and defensively but it hurts the Red Sox, who had been the front runner up until about 3:15 p.m. today, too. I think this was a great move by the Yanks, even if they had to overpay a bit.

Nice Christmas gift, huh?


Anonymous said...

OH YEAH...Manny next?

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Yankee fans.

- The Steinbrenners

Anonymous said...


BTW... does this mean no Pettitte?

Anonymous said...

it says 8 year deal

Anonymous said...

I was thinking it had to be a 8 year deal. This is GREAT!!!!! This hurts the Red Soxs because the next biggest hitter on the market, Manny, won't be playing for them.

Anonymous said...

Exactly Anon,

The Red Sox have been shut-out this off-season!! Manny obviously won't be going to them...This is AMAZING! I think Swisher could be an everyday outfielder too...this is the offensive upgrade we were looking for...Will he wear #25 (Giambi's number?). I hope so, because I bought a #25 jersey after we signed Giambi and now I don't have to buy a new one!

Anonymous said...


I knew we would sign this guy we needed him and we did it nice and quietly, huge props for CASH i dont know why i doubted him as much as i have ... as TEX will say in his press conference "I want to thank the good lord for making me a yankee and NOT a red sox"


Anonymous said...

It's days like today that I thank God for making me a Yankees fan. Greatest ownership in sports. Willing to do anything to put a winning team on the field.

Jason @ IIATMS said...

Merry Teixmas to all and to all a good night!

Anonymous said...

if you all get a chance check out my post over at overthemonster.com stuffing their red sux faces in the dirt !!!!

Joe said...

WOW. Pretty impressive. No excuses for the Yankees this year. Hopefully this will put us put us ahead of the Bosox.

Anonymous said...

This is a good offseason for the yankees.

Anonymous said...

poor Manny. I like him too.

Anonymous said...

btw - ESPN has had the worst leads on this story. Olney was out around pluto on how this was going down.

Jeteristheman said...


Anonymous said...

No batting, #25 Mark Teixeira, first base, #25

Anonymous said...

wow, I am a little shocked.. I for sure thought it was going to be Manny. Notice how quiet it was. Everyone said Red Sox.. even Buster. I am impressed with Cashman.

Well, he is now a Yankee. Wanted Manny, But now we have a gold glover at first again. Number 25 ? Donny was 23, Time 24.. 25?

Anonymous said...

Oh happy day. Now let's deal either Nady or Matsui for pitching prospects and I'm good to go. To me, it doesn't make sense to start the season without a place for Swish to play. But Damon in left, Gardner in center, and Swish in right. With Matsui's contract, I'd say he sticks at DH and Nady gets moved.

Anonymous said...

i think buster is a yankees fan deep down, i know he worked for them during the championship years, well was an analyst on just them those years, and he wrote the book "the end of the paul o neil tino martinez era"

Greg Cohen said...

Yes it's an 8-year deal, sorry for the typo.

Greg Cohen said...

The Yankees really don't need to make any moves now besides possibly re-signing Pettitte.

This lineup will do just fine:

Damon LF
Jeter SS
Teixeira 1B
A-Rod 3B
Matsui DH
Posada C
Nady RF
Cano 2B
Gardner/Melky CF

Swisher is a switch hitter so he can split playing time with Nady and Matsui.

This team is freaking stacked on all sides; offense, defense, and pitching. They have speed and power, good starters and a solid bullpen.

Woodism said...


Anonymous said...

YES!!!!!!!!!!! Just got from work, not near a computer or TV all day and I get this great news. YES! YES!

Anonymous said...

I hope they trade Matsui and dump his salary, then move Damon to DH because Damon is very important part of the the lineup being the leadoff hitter and he needs to be healthy and then move Swisher to LF. You can Cano be the 5th hitter and he seems to be working very hard this offseason so I suspect a bounce back year from him.

Anonymous said...

yea i think it will be matsui or swisher traded. i wouldnt be suprised if it's one of the other 2though. they may sell nady high..

my order of most likely traded

1. swisher
2. matsui
3. nady
4. damon

Anonymous said...

We got swisher for his power and cashman thought that he will have a bounce back year. I hate to say it but I think Matsui should go.

Anonymous said...

I think the lineup should be:

Damon LF
Jeter SS
Cano 2B
A-Rod 3B
Tex 1B
Nady RF
Posada C
Matsui DH
Gardner/Melky CF

Greg Cohen said...

Guys relax, nobody has to be traded. There is nothing wrong with have a solid bench. Remember in the late 90's when guys like Strawberry and Chili Davis came off the bench? The Yankees may make a trade, but they certainly don't have to.

Also Matsui is a tough player to trade, mainly because he can't play the field. It would be much easier to trade Nady or Swisher.

Anonymous said...

your probably right greg, hopefully they guys except their roles.

our pitchers are probably so much happier now. with tex, their era's will go down, instead of going up with the possibilty of Manny on the team and having him/Matsui in LF.

i like the how the clubhouse/chemistry will be too. cc and tex are great guys and they will fit in perfectly. teixeira has always looked like a perfect yankee; a switchitting, slick fielding, clean shaven guy with a great attittude and personality. all we have to do now is.... WIN!!

Anonymous said...

Greg is right. Why is everybody so anxious to make a trade? It's a LONG season and players will be on the DL, need time off, etc. A deep, professional bench was a key to the Yankees championship runs in the late 90's. That's why Pettitte needs to sign too, because Hughes will still get a chance to start as a 6th starter. Imagine Matsui pulling a Hammy, Damon needing a series off on turf or god forbid a Teixeira or an Arod going on the 15 day DL for some reason, how nice will it be to have a Swisher ready to go...Depth is KEY...6 solid starting pitchers, not 5, 9 solid everyday players, not 8...Thats how you win! GO YANKS! This is such an incredible team to go into that new ballpark with!

Anonymous said...

If its the right trade then we should make it. I think Damon should be traded and be replaced by Gardner as the leadoff hitter.

Mike B. said...

YES! I just returned to NYC for three weeks and was greeted by this news! Oh how nice it is to be back in NYC today!




Anonymous said...

Greg, you think that trading anyone from this group might be a move towards adding Manny? The market for him has just shrunk considerably and he may take what the Yanks offer.

Greg Cohen said...

Mike B.,

Cashman has had a great off-season and I'm glad you're giving him credit. He's made his mistakes, but so far this off-season has been great for him and the Yankees.

He played the Teixeira signing perfectly. At least I think he did.

Either way, I'm just thrilled that they've improved themselves as much as they have.


It's possible, but I would be very surprised if they got involved with Manny at this point. For a while I've thought they would sign either Manny or Teixeira and I still feel that way.

I think Manny will end up running back to the Dodgers and begging them for the two-year $45 million deal they offered him before.

Mike B. said...

Yet again, I give Cashman full credit and admit I was wrong. He did indeed play this deal perfectly, Greg.

I was never so happy to be wrong in my life.


Anonymous said...

I think that Cano should bat third, followed by A-Rod then Teixeira.