Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A-Rod Bracing For The Worst

From the AP:
Alex Rodriguez is prepared for the worst when he plays in the New York Yankees' spring training opener Wednesday.


"I've had good practice the last eight years," Rodriguez said Tuesday. "No expectations. Hopefully I get three good at-bats and get some good running in."
A-Rod has never really had it easy in opposing teams' ballparks, this year will be no different. Well, that's not true, it will be worse.

The key for A-Rod is to keep the Yankees fans on his side. Which, as we all know, has not been easy for him. He'll be able to handle the boos on the road, but I don't know if he can handle another year being booed at Yankee Stadium every time he makes an out in a big spot. Or as it has been the case at times in previous years, make any out in any spot.