Thursday, October 8, 2009

Sherman: Gaudin Would Be 4th Starter in ALCS

From Joel Sherman (hat-tip to River Ave. Blues):
Should the Yankees advance to the ALCS, they are leaning heavily toward using Chad Gaudin rather than Joba Chamberlain as the Game 4 starter, The Post has learned.

The Yankees would not finalize plans unless they beat Minnesota. But in informal planning sessions there is a growing consensus to keep Chamberlain in the pen throughout the playoffs.
Sherman also says that if the Yankees were to sweep the Twins, they could go with three starters in the league championship series, with CC Sabathia pitching one of his games on short rest.

When the Yanks moved him into the pen I figured this would be the decision, and either scenario mentioned above is fine by me. With Joba in the pen the Yankees have a sick back end of their bullpen and can shorten a game to six innings, just like they did in 1996.

Also with the depth they have in their pen and the day off after game 4 of the LCS, they have a ton of arms they can use and still have them rested for game 5.

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