Thursday, October 15, 2009


Do you have any superstitions? reoccurring habits? or things you do when something is going well or not so well? For me there's a few baseball superstitions that I do here and there but never consistently. Mostly the rally cap and pointing my shoes towards the north-pole are the only one's I participate with.

Kenny Porpora of the Daily News has a new article talking about player superstition's and habits. A few interesting one's are Nick Swisher's gnome, AJ and CC have pictures and things made by their kids, Jorge Posada has a passage from the bible, and Jose Molina has a hand drawn picture of a bunny in his locker.

"I found him in the hallway broken into pieces and I thought he could use a home," Swisher said of the gnome, who wears a Yankees hat and uniform and sports a long white beard.

"He still has a broken back but he's been up there all year and there ain't no way I'm taking him down now."

Phil Hughes agrees - and his excuse for keeping his locker messy is one little boys should try with mom: It brings him luck.

"Keep it messy and keep it the same," said the pitcher, standing in front of jerseys strewn about and dozens of shoes piled up haphazardly. "If I have one superstition, it's to keep things messy, but consistently."

Check out his full article here for a very interesting read.

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