Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Girardi Considers Starting Hairston

From Jimmy Vrentras:
Manager Joe Girardi didn’t say whether Jerry Hairston Jr. will get his second start of the series Wednesday night in right field against Pedro Martinez. Hairston, who has had success against Martinez in his career, got the nod ahead of the struggling Nick Swisher in Game 2. Hairston, who went 1-for-3 with a strikeout against Martinez, said he’d be ready either way.

“I’m always prepared to play,” Hairston said. “If I’m in the lineup, great. If I’m not, I’ll just be ready to go.”
If it were up to me I'd start Swisher, even with Hariston's good numbers against Pedro. Swisher looked better at the plate in Philly and is always a threat to draw a walk. Either way I don't think it will make or break the game.

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