Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Clemens Updates

First, from Duff Wilson of the NY Times:

Roger Clemens will face a lawsuit if he says in a “60 Minutes” interview that his former personal trainer, Brian McNamee, was not truthful when he said he injected Clemens with performance-enhancing drugs, a lawyer hired by McNamee said Wednesday.

The “60 Minutes” interview was taped Friday at Clemens’s home in Katy, Tex., and is scheduled to be broadcast Sunday at about 7:30 p.m. Eastern, after the conclusion of an N.F.L. playoff game. The lawyer, Richard D. Emery, said in a telephone interview that Clemens should try to keep the segment off the air or face a lawsuit for damaging McNamee’s livelihood.

“He’s got a chance to protect himself,” said Emery, who is based in New York and specializes in libel and defamation actions. “We’re not going to sue him if he doesn’t do it. But if he does it, we’re going to sue him.”

When told of Emery’s comments, Clemens’s lawyer, Rusty Hardin, said, “I believe a client who’s telling the truth should tell the world the truth.”

Sounds like Roger is either going to admit he did steroids, or he's getting sued. This is getting more and more interesting with each passing day.

and then this from Alyson Footer from
HOUSTON -- Roger Clemens will address reporters in Houston on Monday, the day after his interview with Mike Wallace runs on "60 Minutes."

Clemens plans to meet with the media at 4 p.m. CT at a yet-to-be-determined site in downtown Houston. Although most of the questions will likely be answered during the "60 Minutes" interview, Monday's meeting will be the first time Clemens will speak face-to-face with reporters other than Wallace.

Clemens originally planned to address reporters immediately after the show, but an agreement with "60 Minutes" to grant them exclusivity encompasses the West Coast airing as well. Not wanting to conduct a media briefing as late as 10 p.m. on Sunday, Clemens will instead talk the next day

Another side note to this Clemens situation - Joe Torre doesn't want to pick sides between Clemens and McNamee, and calls the Mitchell Report "lopsided".