Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Goose Talks Juice

Never afraid to speak his mind, the most recent HOF'er had a lot to say to reporters yesterday about baseball's steroid issue.

From Kevin Kernan of the NY Post:

“(Andy) Pettitte came clean, there have been other guys who said they did it," Goose said. “Life is going to go on. I think if you did do performance-enhancing drugs, you need to come clean and put an end to this because of the history of the game and of how great baseball has been over such a long period of time."

“What we have here at stake is the greatest part of the game, the history of it, and they can't allow steroids or anything to get in the way of the history of the game."

“I think they are on the same level, I don't think there is any question about it," Gossage said if Clemens and Bonds are found to be drug cheats.

“It's kind of weird that these guys had some of their most productive years when the history of the game (shows that) guys talents are diminishing when they got older and for these guys, it didn't happen that way," he said. “We'll just have to wait and see if these guys come clean and finally put an end to this.

“If they find that they did do performance-enhancing drugs, I think it needs to be dealt with because there is too much at stake with the great players and the history of the game because all the great players that played before them were on a level playing field. I can't say this is a level playing field."

He's right on all counts.