Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Hank Adds His Two Cents

From SI.com:
TAMPA, Fla. (AP) - Hank Steinbrenner isn't sure whether Roger Clemens used steroids and human growth hormone. The New York Yankees senior vice president thinks others are rushing to judgment, though.

Clemens held a news conference Monday in Houston, again denying allegations in last month's Mitchell Report that he used performance-enhancing drugs.

"I thought that the press conference spoke for itself,'' Steinbrenner said Monday night outside Legends Field at the Yankees' spring training complex. "I thought the media commentary after the press conference was over was a little harsh. Too much rush to judgment in this country. As far as whether he's telling the truth or not, I have no clue. But I'm not going to say, well, he's lying, like everybody on TV did after he was done.''...

... "Everybody, the media, all said, 'Oh, he's got to sue,'' Steinbrenner said. "(Barry) Bonds never sued. Everybody said, 'Why not?' Well, this guy is suing and now they still don't believe him. You've got to start to wonder at some point. I don't rush to judgment. That's the big thing with me. I don't do that, and that's the exact term for it, rush to judgment.''

In the article Hank also praised former Yankee manager Joe Torre for his criticism of the Mitchell Report. Last week Torre called the report "lopsided", today Hank agreed, "...it was extremely lopsided towards the Yankees.", Steinbrenner said. "You can't tell me all those teams weren't doing it. Of course they were.''


Anonymous said...

In lou of actually writing a scathing commentary on Clemens myself, I offer this:

"You indignantly wondered why you haven't been given the benefit of the doubt. OK, Roger, we'll go over it one more time.

Your trainer of 10 years, a man named Brian McNamee, a man with zero incentive to lie, says he injected you with steroids and human growth hormone at least 16 times over a period of several years.

Your training partner and closest friend in baseball, Andy Pettitte, has acknowledged that McNamee injected him with human growth hormone. Even those of us who want to believe you are having a hard time getting our minds around the notion that McNamee would tell the truth about Pettitte and lie about Roger Clemens.

You allowed McNamee's side of the story to go unchallenged for far too long. You looked guilty by doing that even if you weren't guilty.

Your explanation that McNamee had injected you with lidocaine makes no sense. Where did you obtain lidocaine? It's only effective if injected directly into the joints, and it's highly unlikely a trainer would even attempt to give that kind of shot.

Then again, maybe you should have kept your mouth shut. This story is spinning out of control, to something far more serious than an aging ballplayer bending the rules to extend his career."


A lovely Houston Chronicle piece... Your boy used steroids.