Saturday, January 5, 2008

Isn't B-12 Code for Steroids?

Is Roger trying to pull a quick one over on us? In 'Juiced' Jose Canseco explains how B-12 is locker-room talk for steroids. Here are some excerpts from the book that I found over at the Baseball Steroid Era blog.

Page 211
It was so open, the trainers would jokingly call the steroid injections “B12 shots,” and soon the players had picked up on that little code name, too. You’d hear them saying it out loud in front of each other: “I need to go in and get a B12 shot,” a player would say, and everyone would laugh. (Of course, that was the kind of joke you really only made around other steroid users, because obviously they were in the same boat as you. What were they going to do, tell on you? Not hardly.)
Page 211-212
It was the pitchers that kept the “B12” joke going. For example, I’ve never seen Roger Clemens do steroids, and he never told me that he did. But we’ve talked about what steroids could do for you, in which combinations, and I’ve heard him use the phrase “B12 shot” with respect to others.

A lot of pitchers did steroids to keep up with hitters. If everyone else was getting stronger and faster, then you wanted to get stronger and faster, too. If you were a pitcher, and the hitters were all getting stronger, that made your job that much more difficult. Roger used to talk about that a lot.
Here is a link to audio of Canseco discussing Roger on WEEI's The Big Show the other day.