Friday, January 11, 2008

Hughes still hears rumors, and Sanchez could be ready by May

From the AP:

"I try to avoid the rumors best I can, but you eventually here it from friends, family and the whole deal," Hughes said after working out Friday at the Yankees' minor league complex. "You never want to hear your name out there, but on the other side, at least it's good to know that other teams think highly of you. I wouldn't say tough winter, but definitely an interesting one."

"I actually heard my name out there for the first time from my dad," Hughes said. "Then I just called my agent to see if there's anything to it, and found there was. That's the exact of the contact I've had."

Hughes is focused on the one thing he can control, preparing for the 2008 season. He started a throwing program four weeks ago.

"I want to get on a mound before spring training starts, and maybe get four or five bullpens in," Hughes said. "Physically, everything is good.

It's great to see how dedicated Hughes is, he's already in Tampa preparing for the season, impressive.

As for Humberto Sanchez, he may be able to start pitching competitive baseball by May:

Sanchez, one of three pitchers obtained from Detroit for outfielder Gary Sheffield, expects to throw off a mound by late next month.

"It's going well," Sanchez said. "So far, so good. We're on the right track. Hopefully there are no setbacks."

Sanchez, who had surgery April 18, could be ready for minor league games in May.

Sanchez could turn out to be a major part of the Yankee bullpen towards the end of next season if all goes well. It would be nice for that Sheffield trade to start paying off.