Saturday, April 12, 2008

Are There Security Guards at Fenway?

From George King:

April 12, 2008 -- BOSTON - Joba Chamberlain and a few people seated near the Yankees' bullpen thought an unruly Red Sox fan was throwing ice cubes at the reliever while he warmed up in the latter innings of last night's 4-1 Bomber win.

Mike Harkey, the Yankees' bullpen coach, said the items being sent Chamberlain's way were pumpkin seeds.

Whatever the objects were, they caught Chamberlain's attention.

"They came by me on the right side but they didn't hit me," Chamberlain said.

Said fellow reliever La Troy Hawkins of the Red Sox fans: "They were just telling him they love him."

Years ago you could get away with something like this at Yankee Stadium, in fact, I remember hearing about batteries being thrown at Jose Canseco (little did we know how much he really deserved it) when he was in the outfield. But in recent years Yankee Stadium security - from what I've seen - has cracked down on a lot of this stuff, especially during Yankees/Sox games. And with the way things have been in Fenway the past few years, you would think they would be doing the same.

If fans want to scream and curse, and call a player names, go ahead, I have no problem with that. But you can't allow fans to throw things at players, even if it is just ice or pumpkin seeds.

I can't even blame the fans, if security isn't going to stop them how can I to expect the drunken idiot to stop throwing things? Sometime I think the Red Sox organization wants its fans doing this stuff, that's how much they hate the Yankees.