I have no problem with the Yanks giving Cashman an extension. I think he's a good GM, not great one, but not nearly as bad as some of his critics make him out to be. I also believe he has this team headed in the right direction, even with it looking more and more likely that this year's team will miss the postseason. The farm system is full of pitching talent, and with a ton of money coming off the books the Yanks will probably make a big splash this off season in the free agent market.Never mind the Yankees' current standing in third place, or their recent struggles. Both Steinbrenner brothers are now said by people familiar with their thinking to be on board with Brian Cashman as their general manager, for now and long into the future. Even if the Yankees fail to play into October for the first full season since 1993, club insiders say that the Steinbrenners plan to offer Cashman a contract extension after this season.
Cashman didn't want to discuss his situation when reached by phone on Tuesday night. But he should have plenty of clues to know he's wanted back, according to club officials.
What do you think? Is giving Cashman an extension a good move for the Yanks or a bad one?
i think he's a decent gm. what other guys could be the gm? cashman needs help with the pitchers he signs. we all know if he signs CC, that most likely wont be a mistake. i know one of the anon's does not like cash, or any of the front office, so he wont like keeping him.
with that said i think its time for a new gm. Cashman has been given a 200+ mil payroll, and we cant get out of the first round of the playoffs. we havent won in 8 years, so we need a new plan. i like the guy, he makes some good moves, but he makes alot of bad ones.
I truly believe the Tampa faction got the Yankees headed in the wrong direction. I think Cash has gotten the farm back to respectability and has the Yanks headed in the right direction. And I really don't know if there's anyone available that can do a better job.
I can't knock Cash. I think he does a decent job. I think the main issue with the team (this season) is from the leadership (manager and hitting coach) and injuries.
If not for the injuries and what is, in my opinion, terrible hitting coaching, this team would be ok.
And I'm not necessarily completely blaming Kevin Long for the offense, as I think he's a decent "mechanics" coach, but either Girardi or Long are doing NOTHING for this team when it comes to enforcing, teaching, and preaching situational hitting.
If there were any non-player moves I'd make this off-season, it's to get a coach on this coaching staff who's a firey "situational hitting" preacher. This team has an awful approach at the plate, they don't adjust to obvious pitcher tendancies througout the game (a pitcher will continue to get hitters out with the exact same patterns and nobody adjusts), and they swing for the fences way more often than they should.
So basically I think that Cashman has done a good job of attempting to develop a younger, more prospect laiden system.
The one thing that I really don't like about Brian Cashman is how he shies away from starting pitchers. We really could have used one at the trade deadline this year.
The problem with starting pitching is teams always ask for the moon in return from the Yanks. He couldn't trade Melky or Gardner for Washburn, that's what they were asking for and that would have been insane.
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