apparently the 9th picture down was taken from the front row of the $2500 seats directly behind the dish. i hope i can score those bad boys through my corporate resources. as long as jorge doesn't float an air biscuit i guess. standing downwind from a burrito fart is no good. another thing i was wondering about is the "bar" in the bleacher area. does that mean drinks are allowed in the bleachers again or is it like the areas in the upper deck where you can drink but no beer vendors to bring it to you? any ideas?
I'm not sure about drinking in the bleachers, I've heard both things, someone has told me no alcohol out there, another person told me there would, and a third person told me it would be like the upper deck, like you mentioned. So I have no idea.
I'm pretty sure the bleachers are going to be the color you see now. In all of the recent renderings, that's the color. The bleachers will always be full anyway, so you'll rarely see any of what's underneath everyone's butts.
The stadium is already starting to look great, it's going to look even better once it's finished.
Thanks Greg for the pictures - I check your site once or twice a week for the updates. But I have a question for anyone who can answer it: In looking at the pictures, does anyone know what those poles are for just past both dugouts as the stands jut out toward the foul lines? I hope they are temporary during construction and not some asinine supports for netting or a screen to 'protect' the fans from foul balls. That would be ludicrous.
I love the pictures and the stadium is going to be a beauty but I am wondering something about the visitors dugout. Maybe it was just the camera angles but it sure looks as though the visitors dugout is going to be tighter than the Yankees dugout.
Both dugouts look a little small at this point, but I'm sure it's just because of the fact that it's mid construction. We'll get a better of the actual size in the next few months.
Those poles are for batting practice nets. They put up nets down both foul lines to protect fans who are getting to their seats and stuff. They take down the nets AND the poles after batting practice. They did this at current/old Yankee Stadium as well.
are they going to paint the bleachers blue, or leave them that gray color? (hopefully paint)
No idea, but I agree, I hope they paint them.
I just stumbled upon your blog and I have to say that I love these picture updates!
Glad to hear it, I post updates as soon as I find pictures. Usually around once a week.
apparently the 9th picture down was taken from the front row of the $2500 seats directly behind the dish. i hope i can score those bad boys through my corporate resources. as long as jorge doesn't float an air biscuit i guess. standing downwind from a burrito fart is no good. another thing i was wondering about is the "bar" in the bleacher area. does that mean drinks are allowed in the bleachers again or is it like the areas in the upper deck where you can drink but no beer vendors to bring it to you? any ideas?
I'm not sure about drinking in the bleachers, I've heard both things, someone has told me no alcohol out there, another person told me there would, and a third person told me it would be like the upper deck, like you mentioned. So I have no idea.
I'm pretty sure the bleachers are going to be the color you see now. In all of the recent renderings, that's the color. The bleachers will always be full anyway, so you'll rarely see any of what's underneath everyone's butts.
The stadium is already starting to look great, it's going to look even better once it's finished.
Thanks Greg for the pictures - I check your site once or twice a week for the updates. But I have a question for anyone who can answer it: In looking at the pictures, does anyone know what those poles are for just past both dugouts as the stands jut out toward the foul lines? I hope they are temporary during construction and not some asinine supports for netting or a screen to 'protect' the fans from foul balls. That would be ludicrous.
Thanks for checking out the site. Also might I suggest checking it daily for news and other stuff during the off-season. (wink wink)
But seriously, I have no idea what those poles are for. Nobody seems to. It's been discussed here earlier and on other sites and people don't know.
I hope they're temporary too, if they're permanent for screens I will be disgusted.
I love the pictures and the stadium is going to be a beauty but I am wondering something about the visitors dugout. Maybe it was just the camera angles but it sure looks as though the visitors dugout is going to be tighter than the Yankees dugout.
Both dugouts look a little small at this point, but I'm sure it's just because of the fact that it's mid construction. We'll get a better of the actual size in the next few months.
Those poles are for batting practice nets. They put up nets down both foul lines to protect fans who are getting to their seats and stuff. They take down the nets AND the poles after batting practice. They did this at current/old Yankee Stadium as well.
That's a reasonable explanation.
Here's a picture I found on flickr of what I'm talking about:
Yep, that seems to be what they are. Thanks for getting to the bottom of this Pinstripes.
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