Saturday, December 13, 2008

Angels Offer Teixeira Eight Year Deal

From Bill Shaikin:
The Angels have offered an eight-year contract to Mark Teixeira, general manager Tony Reagins said Friday night.

Reagins declined to provide the value of Teixeira's offer. The Angels are believed to have offered at least $160 million, matching or exceeding the highest offer so far reported for Teixeira.
The Nationals have made an offer of eight years and $160 million, the Orioles have made an offer Tim Brown and Gordon Edes the Angels were told they offered something close, or equal to the eight year deal that the Nationals offered.

I know the Yankees probably aren't going to get into the bidding, but they really should. The Yankees will be printing money at that new stadium next year.


Anonymous said...

ok, as long as he doesnt go the red sox.

Anonymous said...

I second that Dan.

Anonymous said...

It appears that Manny is going to be the #4 hitter this year.

Anonymous said...

God, I hope you're wrong Eliezer. Keep Manny as far away from the Yankees as possible.

Greg Cohen said...

What makes you say that Eliezer?

Anonymous said...

We took care of the #1 and #2 priority. #3 (3rd SP) is easy to attain.

I also heard that we weren’t going to go after Teix unless we missed on #1 or #2. When I asked why? Was told that with the economy the way it is today we weren’t going to be the ones that prevented a low market team from possibly signing a star player (I didn't believe more like I was hopeful until WAS offered him a deal) by raising his value and the only way we could get involved (if we already have #1 and #2) was if another team drove the price up out of reach of the small market teams (obviously LAA didn't and I think BOS is full of it).

I'm guessing that we don't want to be the main factor for some fans to shy away from MLB especially with the way things are right now and more likely be next year too.

I also heard that some guy wants to make a move on his own and leave his mark on this team (sounded like one of those two to me and I don't see no other better way to do that).

So lets hope that BOS gets involved in the bidding war and maybe that will motivate our FO to take action, if not get ready for Manny (unless LAD make it impossible for us to sign which I doubt).

Anonymous said...

If we can't have Tex, I hope he goes to the Nationals. Out of the AL. Or he can stay with the Angels for all the good it did them in the postseason last year. I just don't want him in Boston.

Mike B. said...

Agreed. Keep him out of Boston-butt town.

Perhsaps we might still get him....
