Monday, December 8, 2008

Cashman Meets With CC

UPDATE 7:00 p.m.: Jayson Stark is saying that yesterday's meeting lasted 2 1/2 hours.
Sabathia did not indicate that his delay in signing has anything to do with a preference to play elsewhere, the source said. He's simply attempting to assemble as full a picture as possible before making a major decision. "He just wants to know what it's like to play in New York," the source said.
UPDATE 6:30 p.m.: Even though he wants to be a Dodger the Yanks are still on his list.

Peter Abraham just spoke with Brian Cashman, and Cash told him that he met with Sabathia again today and that the Yankees are still “on his list.”

UPDATE 3:45 p.m.:
Joel Sherman reports that Reggie Jackson was also at the meeting.

UPDATE 1:08 p.m.:
Ken Davidoff has some more on last night's meeting:

The Yankees came away encouraged from their meeting with CC Sabathia last night, a person familiar with the situation said. The team believes that Sabathia has a sincere interest in New York and appears to be willing to wait out Sabathia.

There is minimal doubt about Sabathia's character, given the way he has conducted himself and, especially, the way he pitched for the Brewers this past year, knowing that he would probably be pitching elsewhere in 2009.

Joe Girardi joined Brian Cashman in the meeting.
Davidoff also mentions that Sabathia has no timeline in making a decision, and that the Yankees are hopeful he will come to a decision in the next couple of weeks.

This process may not end this weeks folks, so sit tight and be patient.

Kat O'Brien also says that "the meeting left the Yankees feeling better about their chances of signing Sabathia, as they now think he is not opposed to playing in New York."

UPDATE 11:19 a.m.:
From George A. King III:
According to a source who has talked to the Brewers, the club has enough money to sweeten the pot and offer "contract flexibility" that could include an opt-out clause after three seasons.
This may or may not hurt the Yankees chances. They still have a much larger offer on the table and I'm sure if it meant signing him or not they could add the same sort or contract flexibility that the Brewers are offering.

UPDATE 11:05 a.m.:
Buster Olney says that "the meeting between the Yankees and CC Sabathia is characterized by a source as having gone 'great.'"

From Bill Madden:
The $140 million game of chicken began in earnest Sunday night when Brian Cashman met with CC Sabathia and his agent, Greg Genske, on the eve of the winter meetings at the Bellagio hotel.

According to industry sources, it was Genske and not Cashman who asked for the meeting, ... The reason Genske wanted the meeting, said one source, is that the agent is trying to buy more time for another team more to Sabathia's liking to approach the Yankee bid.

With each passing day, the likelihood of that lessens considerably. "(Genske) has to be concerned about them pulling the offer and moving on to the other (free agent) pitchers," the source said. "If he blows this deal, he's dead as an agent. For one thing, who's going to approach that $140 million if the Yankees are out of it? Sabathia winds up with a deal $20 million less than Barry Zito? Like I said, (Genske's) dead."

"There's nothing more ominous for all the clubs here operating in this economy than the Yankees being desperate for pitching," said one agent Sunday night. "They don't seem to care what it costs them to get it."
Genske and CC can wait as long as they want, but I don't believe anyone is going to come close to the Yankees' offer. And then if some team does the Yankees will just add another $10-20 million.

The article also goes on to say that many believe the Yankees are willing to add a fifth year to their offer for A.J. Burnett, and were also preparing a multi-year offer for Ben Sheets.


Anonymous said...

I say take a chance on Burnett and Sheets. Its only money, and the STeins like to spend it on their team always hoping for the best. Yes they have a history of injuries, but if we have depth in the minors somebody can come up and pitch if somebody gets hurt. Who could've predicted Wang's freak injury? But Rasner did OK, as did Ponson.

Anonymous said...

I have a question for all here: It is obvious that the Yankees are not CC's first, second, third or even fourth choice. While I believe he is a competitor and will give 100% no matter where he lands, I just wonder, is everyone comfortable with the Yankees signing a $140 million dollar Ace who would seemingly have no motivation to come to the Bronx other than money?

Anonymous said...

I don't want him if his heart is not into it. Spend the money on Sheets and Burnett. CC will have problems if he is not into pitching in the tough AL East and for the yankees. I don't think he dislikes NY, but feels the NL is easier and recalls the whipping boston gave him in 2007. He wont see lineups like boston or tampa in the NL too often.

Greg Cohen said...

Anon 1,

I'd have no problem if they signed either or even both Sheets and Burnett, I just really don't like the idea of a five year deal for Burnett.

Anon 2 and 3,

While I agree that the Yankees, and more specifically New York isn't CC's top choice I don't think it will make a difference in the end. Mike Mussina didn't want to come to New York and he ended up staying here for the rest of his career and was a very good Yankee. People's feeling towards things change over time.

Mike B. said...

I'm not sure CC really wants to be here, either, but I'm not sure what that might mean if he does indeed arrive in town wearing pinstripes. Perhaps he'll learn to like it here??? I just don't know....

I'd like to give Sheets a shot at The Show soon.


Anonymous said...

"There's nothing more ominous for all the clubs here operating in this economy than the Yankees being desperate for pitching," said one agent Sunday night. "They don't seem to care what it costs them to get it." OH Boo Hoo, too bad you don't have an owner who cares like the Steinbrenners do.

Anonymous said...

That article from George King basically makes the point that C.C. is looking for any comparable offer which will allow him to play anywhere but NY. I know we haven't heard anything out of Sabathia's or his agent's mouth in that regard, but the truth is the Yanks offer has been out there for over a month, and is well beyond what any other team is going to offer. I just don't want the Yankees to be a team he settles for, and has to be dragged to kicking and screaming, and with 140 mil. on the table, that's what it seems like. Too bad. The Ynaks need to move on to other free agent prospects.

Greg Cohen said...

While it is true that that is the point the article is making I wouldn't be shocked if it was pure speculation on King's part. He's written articles that weren't 100% accurate before.

Also deciding where you're going to spend your life for the next 6 years is not an easy decision. These things take time and he's probably got a lot rattling around his head right now.

Anyway the Yanks have offers out to Burnett and I'm sure they spoke to Teixeira when Cash met with him and Boras about what the Yankees would be willing to offer. They're not just sitting back waiting for CC to decide. However, other players are. They want to know what the market is before they sign. So until CC signs I don't think any other big names will be signed either.

Anonymous said...

I definitely agree on the latter point you make Greg, which means if CC does land elsewhere for less money it may give the Yanks a considerable discount on other free agents. I guess, my point is that if this offer of 6/140mil, came from either the Angels or Dodgers Sabathia would be off the table and the Yanks would most likely have Burnett and Lowe already.

Greg Cohen said...

You're right he probably would have jumped at their offer, I can't disagree there. He would definitely rather play in Cali, but that doesn't mean he won't be a great Yankees if he decides to sign here.

Also do you really want Derek Lowe? I'd like him for a year or two, but he wants 5 years. I'd much rather give Pettitte a one year deal, even if they have to overpay, instead of signing Lowe for 4 or 5.

Anonymous said...

No I don't want Lowe. You're right there too much money for too long. I just threw his name in there. Petitte for one year would be good, even though I still feel he wants too much.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Let's stop wasting our time with this fat ass. He doesn't want toplay in NY.

Greg Cohen said...

Even if they don't get him how are they wasting their time?

They have offers to other pitchers, and they've spoken to Boras and Teixeira.

It's not like they're just sitting an waiting for CC, the reality is that the other free agents are waiting for CC which is why nothing major has happened yet with anyone.