The new stadium will do more than grow on you. It is INCREDIBLE. I have been for a tour and it is as if they took the old stadium and renovated it completely. It has a great feel to it and though the structure is much larger than the old, it feels more intimate. As soon as they fly the World Champions banner on the flag pole for opening day 2010, you will forget the old place ever existed.
The new stadium will do more than grow on you. It is INCREDIBLE. I have been for a tour and it is as if they took the old stadium and renovated it completely. It has a great feel to it and though the structure is much larger than the old, it feels more intimate. As soon as they fly the World Champions banner on the flag pole for opening day 2010, you will forget the old place ever existed.
CC looks like he's satisfied!
Can't wait for tomorrow!
The press conference will have to be on YES, right?
yeah, they always have the press conferences on YES.
Do you guys know what time it is because i'm at school.
It's at 1 but you can tape it or something.
And YES will probably air it again sometime.
most likely to reair it on Yankee Hot Stove.
All I want to see on Hot Stove is them breaking the Yanks signing Tex.
That would be very nice Danepitzl.
He does look better - thinner. The new stadium is starting to grow on me.
The new stadium will do more than grow on you. It is INCREDIBLE. I have been for a tour and it is as if they took the old stadium and renovated it completely. It has a great feel to it and though the structure is much larger than the old, it feels more intimate. As soon as they fly the World Champions banner on the flag pole for opening day 2010, you will forget the old place ever existed.
The new stadium will do more than grow on you. It is INCREDIBLE. I have been for a tour and it is as if they took the old stadium and renovated it completely. It has a great feel to it and though the structure is much larger than the old, it feels more intimate. As soon as they fly the World Champions banner on the flag pole for opening day 2010, you will forget the old place ever existed.
He looks thinner to me, or am I just being an optimist?
Yep, the new Stadium will make us forget about the old one. I can't wait to be at my first game this year.
Oh I hope we get Tex!
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