Thursday, December 11, 2008

Melky For Cameron Deal Back On?

UPDATE 6:44 p.m.: From Rotoworld:
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel believes the hurdle has been cleared in the proposed Mike Cameron-for-Melky Cabrera deal.

Brewers general manager Doug Melvin just said there was "a strong possibility it could still happen." The financial issues have apparently been taken care of. The matter at hand now is the second player coming over from the Yankees. Perhaps it will be one of the relievers passed over in the Rule 5 draft, like Kevin Whelan or J. Brent Cox.
I didn't like this deal when I thought it was just going to be Melky for Cameron, and I don't like it even more now that the Yankees may have to add a second player.

I also think you all should check out this post over at Steve Lombardi does a great job breaking down Mike Cameron and shows that in every facet of the game he's just slightly above average.

UPDATE 12:54 p.m.:
An MLB executive told Joel Sherman that the chances of this deal going down are "remote."

UPDATE 12:29 p.m.:
Ken Rosenthal is reporting that the deal has hit a roadblock:

The Mike Cameron trade is not done and may not get done.

The Yankees will need to have a change of heart for it to happen, one source familiar with the discussion said.

The Brewers are asking for a second player in addition to Melky Cabrera. The Yankees want the Brewers to pay a portion of Cameron's $10 million salary.

UPDATE 10:37 a.m.: Joel Sherman is now reporting that the Yankees want the Brewers to pick up some of Cameron's salary. In return the Brewers want the Yankees to add a pitcher to the deal.
The source said the more Milwaukee pays the better the pitcher they could receive in addition to Cabrera.
I'd rather the Yankees keep the pitcher and just pay the contract. There's no reason to give up two players for Mike Cameron.

UPDATE 9:44 a.m.
: The deal may not be done yet. Tom Haudricourt of the Journal Sentinel says the Yankees also like Bill Hall. He still thinks a deal will go down but it will be an expanded deal that also sends Bill Hall to the Yanks.

Hall, who is 28, hit .225/.293/.396 with 15 HR and 55 RBI in 128 games last year. He also can play 2nd, 3rd, SS, or center field.

From Mark Feinsand:
The Yankees have found their center fielder for 2009, as they are set to send Melky Cabrera to Milwaukee for veteran outfielder Mike Cameron on Thursday, according to two major league sources.
In 2008 the 35 year old hit .243/.331/.477 with 25 HR, 70 RBI, and 15 SB in 120 games. He is set to make $10 million next year.

I'm not a big fan of this trade at all.


Anonymous said...

Wow, and I though we were going to have a wonderful off season. Trade a promising pospect fo the STRIKE OUT KING!! Unless w're about to trade JD, Matsui, or Nady I don't see why making this trade. We got robbed.

Anonymous said...

If this is a one year stop-gap, I don't mind so much. But I don't know how long Cameron's contract runs? One year is enough to get Austin Jackson ready to take over in 2010, and my guess is that Brett Gardner still gets significant playing time this year. I just don't think Melky will every amount to even a replacement-level player.

Joe said...

Yea Melky was dead wood, Cameron will be better than Melky, but not much. Player for player just on that level we got a good deal. I'm just concerned Cano's going to be on suicide watch now.

Greg Cohen said...

I'm not too worried about Melky, but trading a 24 year old centerfielder for Mike Cameron and his $10 million dollars doesn't make sense to me. I don't think he's going to be a big help for this team.

Sean said...

I agree Cams not going to be the AL East premier Center Fielder but he is an upgrade over Melky, Gardner will platoon likely and Cam can bat down in the order and provide a decent bridge to his clone Austin Jackson.

I also agree with the Robinson Cano bit, he now has lost his 2 buds Abreu & Melky.. Maybe he will concentrate on baseball now..

Anonymous said...

Cano still has A-Rod, for what it's worth...

Anonymous said...

Mike Cameron blows.

Anonymous said...

I highly disagree. This is only a one year stopgap. In this one year, Cams will give you more stolen bases, and Home Runs. He is also a very good defensive center fielder, so I have no clue why you guys are complaining. We have only spent 33 million of the 90 or so million that is coming off the books, so, what is the big deal about the money.

Greg Cohen said...

I think Cameron is grossly overrated and he's going to be 35 next year. Yes, it's a stopgap and that does make this much easier to take. But I would rather see the Yankees give Gardner a real chance. With Cameron coming in this kills that from happening.

Anonymous said...

hes ok, hes not a great hitter and he k's alot. with him and swisher, our team avg will go down alot. we need arod, jeter, cano, posada and nady to have big years

Joe said...

Woah, woah. In a quarter seasons worth of games Gardner slugged and got on base less than .300. If we just "give him a chance" and get those same results, then what are we supposed to do? Gardner needs to mature and gain experience, and with a guy like Cameron in front of him maybe he can play every 4th or 5th game without the pressure of being "The Man."

Greg Cohen said...

After they recalled Gardner in mid-August he hit over .290. He was learning how to hit at the MLB level. He's also a great outfielder and has insane speed on the bases.

If the Yanks gave Gardner a shot and he struggled they could then make a trade during the season for a CF'er or give Melky a chance.

"Gardner needs to mature and gain experience, and with a guy like Cameron in front of him maybe he can play every 4th or 5th game without the pressure of being 'The Man.'"

I doubt Gardner will get that much playing time with Damon and Cameron on the same team.

Also he's never going to mature if he doesn't play.

Anonymous said...

It won't hurt to have Gardner take another year to mature as a back-up or in the minors. A competition b/w him and Austin Jackson in 2010 is good news to me.

Plus, this update with the sweetened pot makes this deal a definite good one in my eyes. I hope it goes through!

Greg Cohen said...

I wanna know what the Yankees would have to add to get Hall. But Hall does make the deal a lot better.

Anonymous said...

I think Sherman just reported that the Yankees might include a pitcher in the deal. The pitcher is unknown because it all depends on how much the Brewers are willing to eat in salary. The Brewers taking on some money would make this deal a lot better as well.

Greg Cohen said...

You're right anon, I just added the update.

Anonymous said...

I just hope the Yanks aren't sending Kennedy to get Hall. The talk was that the Brewers were looking for a starter.

About Cameron, Cabrera, Gardner:

Neither Cabrera nor Gardner are major league level players. Past his speed Gardner leaves a lot to be desired. He has no pop at all, he doesn't even hit hard line drives. He's a fourth out fielder at best. He has no arm. The Yankees should not count on Gardner ever having a serious impact at this level.

That said, Cameron is just a horrible pickup. Plug a guy into the 7th slot who strikes out all the time, in a lineup with a bunch of guys who strike out and ground into double plays way too much. Good call. Sure he brings some pop but at what expense?

Anonymous said...

I bet you he will be batting 9th because he has speed which bodes well when the lineup turns over. If we were to pick up Tex, he should most assuredly bat ninth to separate Cano and Damon.

Greg Cohen said...

"Neither Cabrera nor Gardner are major league level players. Past his speed Gardner leaves a lot to be desired. He has no pop at all, he doesn't even hit hard line drives. He's a fourth out fielder at best. He has no arm. The Yankees should not count on Gardner ever having a serious impact at this level."

You're entitled to an opinion, but you have no idea if this is true or not. Especially in the case of Gardner. Everyone doesn't have to be a home run hitter to be a MLB player. I could see Gardner becoming a Juan Pierre type player.

As for what you said about Cameron, I couldn't agree more.

Mike B. said...

I just don't think Cameron is the answer. Oh boy....


Bob said...

I read that Cameron was CC's friend on the Brewers and maybe this is part of that deal. But I don't like it. What have we picked up - a 35 yo with a 250 career average who strikes out a lot and costs $10 mil - how is that an upgrade? And even worse if we have to give up a pitcher to get him. And Swisher has a 244 career average and he is our first baseman? If the Yanks don't get Texiera I have serious worries that they will be worse than last year. You can't win with even great pitching with no offense. And PS - I agree that Gardner is not the answer. He's a nice kid but seems overmatched.

Anonymous said...

Bob you said it perfectly, Gardner is overmatched.

Greg, you're absolutely right, he doesn't need to be a HR hitter. My point was that even his singles are weak. His swing is loopy and he's not strong enough to handle a major league fastball on the inner half. That's what I've seen with my own two eyes, but it is my opinion I just happen to think its true.

P.S. I'm happy you brough up Pierre though, I would have much rather seen the Yanks bring him in to play center. Just the kind of guy the Yanks need at the top of that lineup.

Greg Cohen said...

A lot of kids come up and are overmatched at first. I don't believe he was given enough of a chance last year to just give up on him now. I am also encouraged by his strong August and September. He started hitting the ball harder and his at-bats in general were much better.

Anonymous said...

This is a bad deal period, you guys talking about a bridge for Jackson in 2010 but anything can happen and to me he won't be ready in 2010 he ussually take time to adjust to the next level and I don't see him having a great AAA year, he probably will start 2010 in AAA thats if he do good this year and don't have any setbacks.

Cameron stinks, he is not as fast as he used to be, plays alright defense (not lights out anymore), is old for a CF and he is overrated with the bat, it takes an act of GOD for him to make contact. Bring him to the AL East with better pitchers and I see him hitting .201-.221 with maybe 15 HR, and we have to pay him $10 mil on top of that, is nonsense. I think Melky is going to have a better year and I prefer Gardner in CF than Cameron, we need to let the young kids develop and quit playing this injury ready players we have (Matsui, Damon, Cameron) everyday. Hall is a goo pick but why not trade the pitcher for him and deal Cabrera for a Prospect instead.

Anonymous said...

That roadblock is great news. Hopefully the Yanks don't budge, and this deal gets nixed.

Anonymous said...

I am no Melky fan (and I think the Yanks want to move him because it was either him or Cano and Robbie has oodles more talent). But, if the Cameron deal is dead, I will be VERY happy. I don't want him on this team.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't mind Cameron. A vet on a one year deal that would provide power and some speed. Stick him at the back end of the order and he'd be fine. Rest him ever fourth or fifth day and let Gardner get a shot and gain some experience. Not to mention, the addition of him, CC, and Swish might just loosen the club house up a bit. However, I would keep Cox and move Whedon.

Anonymous said...

If they have to add a second player I think that they should just forget this trade. Mike is getting older and the yankees can get someone younger and more talented.

Anonymous said...

For one year, who?

Anonymous said...

If you get someone younger it wouldn't have to be for one year. What about the kid Dejesus from KC? He'd look nice as the second leadoff in the 9 hole and can certainly cover some ground in the outfield.

And I don't like the idea of Cameron resting every fifth day so Gardner can get some time. Even though I don't think Gardner has major league ability, if the Yanks are going to give him a shot, than he should play everyday. If not, send him to AAA where he can play everyday and develop. No sense him rotting on the bench for 100 games.

Anonymous said...

Robbed? Unfair? Really? Guys, Melky isn't exactly an all-star in the waiting...

Anonymous said...

Why make him play everyday, get into a slump, have the Yankee fans on his ass, and ruin his confidence. If Gardner is good enough, he will displace Cameron. And hopefully that would be next year when Cameron's contract runs out. Getting DeJesus would really end Gardner and maybe A-Jax's chance in the next few years.

Anonymous said...

Nah, you could move Dejesus to a corner spot when Austin's ready.

First off, you don't have to MAKE any baseball player play everyday. It's not like pulling teeth. Believe me Gardner wants to be out there.

The point is, there's no sense making Gardner sit the bench all year with no potential for considerable playing time (barring injury that is). If you're going to play him at the major league level, than give him a real look and see what you've got. Otherwise let him play everyday on the farm. But keeping him up with the big club carrying players bags will do much more to destroy his confidence than playing and possibly slumping will.

Anonymous said...

This is stupid, first you don't offer Abreu arbitrstion because of money and wanting to get younger and loose on draft picks or a good player on a one year $14-16 mil and now they want to trade for an old and slower player to play CF in Yankee stadium one of the largest CF in MLB, not to mention that we have to give players for this garbage and pay him $10 mil even for a year its crazy. Some of you say he has HR power, but do we know how thats going to translate in the stadium.

Anonymous said...

This is why I read riveraveblues mostly, cause anyone who doesn't see that this is a pretty good trade considering we are giving up a 4th OF player at best is retarded...

Anonymous said...

Agreed Anon. Melky is done in New York. He's been given more than ample opportunity and has proven to be a fourth outfielder. To deal him for a vet center fielder who can play a year in center is a good trade. I think many Yankee fans have delusions that Melky is a prize trade chip who teams will covet. He's not. To get Cameron (and potentially Hall) for Melky and a lesser minor league pitcher makes complete sense.

Anonymous said...

Exactly Mateo....I liked Melky, and wanted to see him do well here, but it just didn't work out.

Plus it's not like we are inheriting a contract with 4 years left on it...he's a 1 year stop gap for AJax, or someone else...

Greg Cohen said...


Baseball wise it's a good trade, player for player. Financially it's not a good move for the Yanks, and it's not going to make them that much better next year. Mike Cameron is not anything close to a difference maker.

Anonymous said...

screw cameron, get Ankiel..

side note.... u see the red sox new road and alternate uniforms? that alternate cap has to go, i think i hate the sox even more now if thats possible.

Anonymous said...

You guys mention Melky been a #4 OF and I agree, but if we sign Teixeira or Manny (and I think we are going to sign one of them) Cameron would become a #5 OF on this team behind Matsui, Damon, Nady, Swisher.

That’s the reason why I think it’s a bad deal, and the idea of playing Gardner every 4th day is ridiculous and let me know how much you know about baseball. You cant develop talent unless he is playing on a daily basis, lets say that you play Gardner one day and he goes 4-4 are you going to sit him up the next day because of Cameron even if he is going to go 0-4 4K like he usually does?

Anonymous said...

The reason this deal makes no sense has nothing to do with Melky. I never thought Melky was even a fourth outfielder on the major league level.
The reson it doesn't make sense is becuase Cameron is an offensive liability, and an above average CF at best at this point in his career. The improvement for the team would be marginal, and his impact in no way makes them a contender. The funny thing is you give up on Melky but believe the hype about A-Jax. What do we know about Jackson until we see him play in the show? What makes you think the Yanks couldn't bring in a guy like Dejesus with a similar deal to the one they are proposing for Cameron?

P.S. One place where I do like Cameron is as a clubhouse guy, but that's about it. If this were 5 years ago it'd be a much different story.