Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Olney and Phillips Discuss the Teixeira Signing


Anonymous said...

steve phillips sucks. i like olney, even though in this video he didnt say the yanks are #1 in the division now.

i hope we dominant next year, i'm dying to win, especially now since my Jets are on the verge of pulling a Met collpase., Im in baseball mode now.

Greg Cohen said...

I'm not a fan of Phillips' either. And yes, I'd love to see this team steamroll over everyone and take home #27. They've certainly done everything they could to make that possible.

Mike said...

Now the player have to do their part.

Greg Cohen said...

Yep, they sure do. But I'll tell you, from top to bottom, this team looks really good.

Anonymous said...

I think Olney's a dope. up until even yesterday he was writing the Yankees were long out of this, and in this report he says the 180M came out of nowhere; meanwhile I read about 180 - 185M possible offer on this blog 2 days ago. what hell is Olney talking about?

Greg Cohen said...

That's because I was listening to Jon Heyman. He never said the Yankees were out of this, and he was the only person who wasn't ready to fit him for a Red Sox jersey last Thursday.

People say Heyman is a Scott Boras shill, and that may be true. But that might also mean that he knows more about Boras clients. This time it sure seemed like he did.

Mike said...

NONE of these guys are reliable. They are all in a hurry to be the first to report. Then they hope we forget what they wrote 24 hours earlier.

I got a text message on my phone from a "low friend in a high place" telling me that the Yanks would sign Tex by 5 PM, but I didn't go with it.

I decided to wait and see because this was the same person who told me during the season that the Yanks were going to trade Giambi for Zito. I posted that and got burned.

Oh yea...Steve Phillips does suck. Isn't that the ex Mets GM they found passed out nekkid on a beach somewhere?

Mike B. said...

First, great post, Greg!

Next, a disclaimer: if I become Dictator of the World (see The Three Stooges when Moe plays the dictator Moe Hailstone), one of my first acts will be to put virtually every talking head at ESPN up against a wall. I will make them cry like babies before I shout "fire."

Now that that's out of the way, you really have to admit that Phillips is--at best--a little runt. This little jerk will never be able to get over the fact that it was the Yanks that beat his Mets in the WS while he was general manager of the Mets. Notice the Phillips has not been hired as GM by any other team in major league baseball? Again, what a little puke (Don't you guys wonder what I really think?).

I'm fairly certain that ESPN had two "angles" on the Tex singing, each dependent on which team did the signing. In the event the Shanty Town Red Sox signed him, those morons at ESPN would be crowing about how Shanty Town signed one of the premiere players in the game, a move that would assure them of another title this coming year and probably every year for the next eight. If the Yankees signed him, however, ESPN would play the "It Was Strictly Money That Lured Tex" angle that they did indeed play once the signing of Tex by the Yanks became official. How dare the Yanks spend money at a time of such economic hardship! Oh how "bad" that must make so many other teams feel! Imagine how many fans of other teams feel right now as they see their teams stand by helplessly as the Yanks spend money! It just isn't fair, I tell you. It just isn't fair! But it's no matter--Tampa Bay (who performed so admirably in the WS!) will still be the team to beat, right Buster and Steve? Go, go Tampa Bay! Beat those evil Yankees! Use your "home-grown" talent to crush the Yanks into the dust!

Oh well. I feel better now....

Go Yanks!


Greg Cohen said...

Thanks Mike, and good post to you sir. I agree completely about ESPN and their spin.