Friday, December 19, 2008

The Red Sox - Teixeira Saga Continues

From Buster Olney and Peter Gammons:
Red Sox executives flew to Texas on Thursday believing they were close enough in negotiations to complete a deal with Mark Teixeira. But after they arrived, they were informed that their offer to Teixeira -- something in the range of $165 million to $170 million -- was short by upwards of $20 million.

With that, the Red Sox stepped away from the negotiating table.

Executives involved in the Teixeira negotiations, however, noted that Red Sox owner John Henry, based on the statement he issued to The Associated Press late Thursday night, did not unequivocally end talks about the first baseman. And executives from other interested teams fully expect the Red Sox to re-engage Scott Boras, the agent for Teixeira.

"It's a poker game," said a high-ranking official for one of the teams involved in the talks. "Unless Teixeira is ready to make a deal now, he'll be talking to Boston again."
Jon Heyman was just on WFAN and also thinks that we shouldn't count the Red Sox out of this just yet. He also said that Teixeira's situation should be resolved around Christmas. He also thinks the Red Sox "were intending to stop bidding at about $180 million over eight years, perhaps a little bit more than that, maybe as much as $184 million."

Teixeira is a Boras client, and like most Boras clients he will go where the most money is. If the Red Sox are going to be cheap about this they're going to miss out on their main off-season target, which would make this Yankees fan very happy.


Anonymous said...

The RS tried to do the same thing they did when they negotiated Dice-K contract, the big problem here is that Teixeira doesn’t have to sign with them and I think that’s why they walked out with their hands empty (payback from Boras not to mention Varitek issue with them) I still say there’s a higher offer just like when TX offered A-Rod that big contract and nobody believed it until it was too late, I don't like Boras but he knows how to get the most money to his players.

I know a lot of RS fanatics are saying that the door still open for a deal to be made, but really, we met with CC and said that we had a good meeting with him and they all said that he didn’t want to play for us that if he want it to he would’ve accepted the offer that day, they have a bad meeting with Teixeira and they have the best they still have the best chance to land him, huhhhhmmmm!!!!! And they swear up and down no bias towards the RS, I guess Hank was right.

Personally, I don’t think he wants to sign with them, if he did he would’ve told them, give me this much more and I’ll sign right now, like the way it happened with CC, I hope they don’t sign him, I just love how the RSN acts every time something doesn’t go according to plan (hype).

Anonymous said...

I really wouldn't be surprised if he ended up signing with the Nationals. They need some star power to put people in the seats.

Anonymous said...

I see him going back to the Angels. Does he really care about playing near his birthplace? Nah.

Anonymous said...

SHOW ME THE MONEY.. enjoy last place MUTHA F*#@'er