Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Yanks 'Going Hard' After Manny?

(Today's back cover of the Daily News)

From Mark Feinsand:

One baseball official told the Daily News that the Yankees' interest in Ramirez is more than cursory, that they see the slugger as the perfect complement in their lineup to Alex Rodriguez, forming a 1-2 punch like he did in Boston with David Ortiz.

The official believes that the Yankees are "going hard" after Ramirez, to the point where they are willing to give him a three-year deal worth from $22 million to $25 million per year.

Two other officials are skeptical that the Bombers would commit three years to the enigmatic Ramirez, who has already seen the Dodgers make and withdraw a two-year, $45 million offer this winter. Both of them believe the Yankees will linger in the background while agent Scott Boras works to gather offers, and if the market is limited, the Yanks will try to jump in with a two-year, $50 million package.

According to a source familiar with the Yankees' thinking, Brian Cashman has been lukewarm to the idea of signing Ramirez, but the rest of the front office - most notably Hal and Hank Steinbrenner - believes he is precisely what the Yankees need to bolster a lineup that underachieved in 2008.

Yes, Manny Ramirez will make the offense much more dangerous, but will signing him create more problems than it would fix. Like I said yesterday, the addition of Manny has the potential to make this team much worse defensively because it may force the Yankees to play either he or Matsui in left, both of which are below average left fielders, and then Damon would have to move to center where he is now a below average. The Yanks will have to be very creative if they plan on putting their best defensive team out there with Manny on the team. There's also the clubhouse issues, and the Manny being Manny nonsense to worry about.

Also, three-years and $75 million for Manny is crazy, if they choose to sign him I really hope they don't go for more than two years.


Anonymous said...

I don't worry about the clubhouse stuff with Manny and the Yankees. I think a reason that he didn't like the Red Sox was cause he didn't mesh the best with white people. But the Yankees have A-Rod,Jeter, Cano, Edwar, Veras, Marte, Rivera, Posada, Molina, and even Damon. I'd rather have Tex, but... a bat is a bat(in this case, best available)..

Greg Cohen said...

But when you add a bat that severely hurts your team defensively, and creates a logjam at two positions, are you hurting the team more than you're helping it?

Anonymous said...

It's a net gain.

Anonymous said...

A well-deserved bashing of Michael Kay. I am a die-hard Yankee fan and all but this guy deserves it

Anonymous said...

This Manny thing just doesn't sit right with me. I want a big bat in the line-up but not Manny. Teixeira is such a better option and if the Yanks are going to spend $75 million over 3 years, why wouldn't they spend the extra $125 needed for Teixeira and get him for 8-9 years?? This is upsetting news. The new Steinbrenner regime needs to trust Cash on this one...

Unknown said...

WHY DOES THIS HAVE TO MAKE THE YANKEE DEFENSE WORSE! Why cant we just trade matsui for prospects or cash and put manny at DH

Unknown said...

WHY DOES THIS HAVE TO MAKE THE YANKEE DEFENSE WORSE! Why cant we just trade matsui for prospects or cash and put manny at DH

Unknown said...

WHY DOES THIS HAVE TO MAKE THE YANKEE DEFENSE WORSE! Why cant we just trade matsui for prospects or cash and put manny at DH

Bruce Beckett said...

I just don't get it. Why would the Yanks spend all this money on Manny when they could make a much better long-term investment in Teixeira? As Greg has already pointed out, Teixeira would not only strengthen the batting line-up but also improve the defense. Added to that is the fact that he's much more of a team player than Manny. While, right now, Manny is undoubtedly the best slugger in the game, are we going to be asked to root for a player we have loved to hate for the past eight years?

Anonymous said...

You posted three times, buddy. Was it a computer glitch or are you trying to make a point? In other news, Rocco Baldelli was just diagnosed with a less severe diagnosis that will allow him to be on the field more often. If he can show he can play at least 120-130 games a year in center, I want him instead.

Anonymous said...

I love Baldelli. There's a guy I can root for. Its just going to be hard to root for Manny. On the otherhand after AROD strikes out with 1 out and a guy on 2nd and 3rd, and Manny comes through with a 2 RBI single, it may be easier.

Anonymous said...

"Also, three-years and $75 million for Manny is crazy, if they choose to sign him I really hope they don't go for more than two years."

Ok, that makes no sense to me. He is going to go where he gets the most money at the most years he can get. We want him, just sign him for about three years, option for a forth. He will earn it. Just get it done already.. enough. I want to know who sitting behind A ROD. Teams don't fear Posada.. or Nady. They fear Manny, and they will fear A Rod sitting in-front of Manny. We do this, we win the AL east and have a shot at the rings.

M-Rod said...

I agree with the A-Rod then Manny combo if Tex goes somewhere else. It would be lethal. You think Seattle would be interested in Matsui? There is a HUGE Asian fanbase in that area and it would definitely fill some seats. They also lost Ibanez recently so there may be a need for another OF.

Anonymous said...

I'm fine with this if manny dosen't act like a bitch.

Anonymous said...

"While, right now, Manny is undoubtedly the best slugger in the game, are we going to be asked to root for a player we have loved to hate for the past eight years?"

Amen brother. Some people so easily forget.

Anonymous said...

i agree M-Rod, the Mariners should have some interset. Last year their DH for most of the year was Jose Vidro. They some one to drive in some runs and I think Matsui would be an ideal pick up from them, one year on the deal, not too expensive and productive. Also if they do keep Ichiro, imagine the amount of attention they will get from Japan. I would try to get Ryan Rowland-Smith for him and put him in as our number 5. He pitched well agaisnt us and his numbers were very respectful. He's someone worht looking at.

Anonymous said...

I don't want Manny even as a DH. We have enough drama on the Yankees.

Greg Cohen said...

Robin, nobody wants Matsui. Plus, I've heard many times that due to the money they make from Japanese ads that trading Matsui makes no financial sense to the team.


I don't think the Yankees should give him 3 years, it's too much for a 37 year old. And if we're looking for short-term gains doesn't it make more sense to sign the younger, better fielding, Mark Teixeira? At least you're getting someone that not only helps the lineup but helps the defensive side of the ball too? Oh, and he's in his prime unlike Manny.

Anonymous said...

Drama is the exact reason why most will want Manny here, just think about this top of the 9th in Fenway Yanks down by 1 runner on second 0 outs and Manny comes up against Paplebon, he swings, hits a long fly to CF and he just stands there like he used to do us, I give anything to watch that live and see the RS fans faces, lol.

Thats the type of drama I'm dying for not the ussually double play or strike out we are getting lately.

The more I think about it the more I want Manny here.

Anonymous said...

He's a good hitter so......yeah.

Anonymous said...

"top of the 9th in Fenway Yanks down by 1 runner on second 0 outs and Manny comes up against Paplebon, he swings, hits a long fly to CF and he just stands there like he used to do us, I give anything to watch that live and see the RS fans faces, lol."

could not have said it any better...and trust me manny would love nothing more then to crush the sox!!!

Greg Cohen said...

We shouldn't bring in players just to beat Boston, we should bring in players that help the Yankees become the best team possible, and I don't know that Manny does that.

Anonymous said...

He can beat boston.

Greg Cohen said...

So what? Can the Yankees with Manny be good enough to win a ring? That's the question.

Now, if they can somehow keep Manny in a DH role and have an outfield of Damon, Gardner, and Nady then I think they can. But the problem is Matsui. I don't think there is a trade market for him, nor do I think the Yankees actually want to trade him and give up all those Japanese ad dollars.

One idea that I haven't heard mentioned is having Matsui as a part-time bench player. Kind of like Strawberry was during the dynasty years. The Yankees could have a very good bench with players like Swisher, Ransom, and Matsui.

Unknown said...

If the Yanks are really willing to commit that much money to Manny, they should forget it and give it to Tex instead

Anonymous said...


Who cares about Boston. With the players that we signed and Manny in the picture, they have to be scared.

Anonymous said...

Ok, here's just a couple of thoughts:

Firstly, Manny's defense. No, he's not great. However, I think that his defense has been underrated by his bozo-the-clown-like antics that make the Baseball Tonight highlights once a month. Aside from that, the guy's actually not the worst defender I've seen.

Secondly, team defense overall. While I can't say it's simply coincidence that the best teams in MLB this season were good defensively, I feel very strongly that a "top notch" defense is a very overrated aspect of baseball. What you need is solid pitching and timely hitting, as well as a defense that doesn't make a lot of errors. Errors lead to pressure on the pitcher, moreso than a play that's difficult that just wasn't made. Most of the metrics that show the Yankees in a poor light are either subjectively based (zone-rating type stats) or are somewhat indirectly derived, meaning they are subject to abberations. Some of these stats can depend on the type of pitchers a team had or the type of ballpark you play in. If you have a rotation full of groundball pitchers vs. a rotation of flyball pitchers, certain defensive metrics will vary quite a bit. Anyway, although it's clearly debatable, I don't believe defense is a critical element to a team's success. Pitching and hitting come first and 2nd.

Back to Manny. There are suggestions that Manny would be a clown, a distraction, and be discontent, simply because he was discontent with the Red Sox. Who's to say that his discontent wasn't a direct result of the situation in Boston? He clearly didn't get along with certain players, perhaps he didn't like that tiny, cramped, weird little clubhouse that the Red Sox had. With the Yankees in a new, state of the art facility with a gigantic clubhouse and numerous ameneties, perhaps Manny will feel a lot less "cramped" and claustrophobic like he did in that little Fenway craphole.

Finally, Manny has likely always had a bit of an affinity to NY, since that's where he's from. He'll be playing in front of a crowd that's very much more diverse than the Boston fanbase. There's a much larger latin contingent not only in the stands, but on the Yankee roster. Manny may very well fit in much, much, much better in NY.
As daneptizl pointed out, I don't want it to sound racist, because believe me it's not, but the Boston team is largely caucasian, while the Yankee roster has significantly more Latin players. Outside of Ortiz, what Latino players do the Sox have? The Yankees are a more diverse roster, and a more diverse fanbase. Manny might be right at home in NY.

I'm not suggesting that the Yankees should persue Manny necessarily. Simply that many of the negatives with regard to signing him seem to me to be WAY overblown.

Manny would be absolutely lethal in this lineup. Way more lethal than Teixeira, as good as he is. Manny being in a fresh, new envrionment might just be what he needs to stay focused enough to be close to 100% "on" for 2 to 3 years. Of course there will be Manny "moments" but I can live with that. I personally would be shocked if Manny requested a trade or felt like sitting out some games if he signed a short term (3 years or less) deal with the Yankees. While it will be annoying to watch him showboating after a home run when we're down 10-2, I think the far more important aspect will be the 40 HRs and 150 RBIs he'd end up with.

Stick him in LF, deal with the occasional defensive lapse, and let Damon play CF most of the time, as well as rotate some guys in and out of the field and DH. He could then be a full time DH in 2010 and 11, assuming a 3 year deal.

Manny's antics didn't seem to hurt the Red Sox any when they won two World Series in 4 years.

Greg Cohen said...

Let's start with Manny's defense:

The last three years here are his Bill James +/- rankings

2006 -31, 35th in the league
2007 -24, 32nd in the league
2008 -13, 30th in the league

While he strangely seems to be improving he's still very below average.

The defensive metrics that rank the Yankees low show one thing, that most of the players on the team have no range. When you're a major leaguer getting to the ball is the most important part. And a good fielding team helps the pitching staff tremendously.

As for the rest of your post I generally agree; I don't care about the distraction stuff that much, it's definitely something they can deal with, he will be huge in New York, and he's a monster with the bat.

One thing I don't want to see is Manny in left. Right field maybe, but not left. I don't want to have to watch him deal with death valley out there.