For some reason I thought they kept Thurman's locker with all his gear and uniform ready for the next day? Oh well, great job by the Yankees for bringing it to the new stadium. Oh, and whats with the red and green lol in the first few pics?
That's how those seats are. Instead of a bar they have a pane of glass. It looks kind of strange so far - we'll see how it turns out when it's completed.
A picture of a bathroom, how very nice.
Is that Thurm's locker?
Yes Yankeeboy, it is. I just updated the post.
For some reason I thought they kept Thurman's locker with all his gear and uniform ready for the next day? Oh well, great job by the Yankees for bringing it to the new stadium. Oh, and whats with the red and green lol in the first few pics?
They're testing the video screens. Probably something to do with the color settings or something like that.
What's with the panes of glass?
That's how those seats are. Instead of a bar they have a pane of glass. It looks kind of strange so far - we'll see how it turns out when it's completed.
Here's a rendering that shows what it was supposed to look like.
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