Sunday, May 10, 2009

Game 31: Yankees @ O's

Regular Season Game 31
Yankees @ Orioles
Camden Yards - Baltimore, MD
Game Time: 1:35 p.m.
TV/Radio: YES, WCBS 880

Here are the lineups:

YANKEES (14-16)
Derek Jeter SS
Johnny Damon LF
Mark Teixeira 1B
Alex Rodriguez 3B
Hideki Matsui DH
Nick Swisher RF
Robinson Cano 2B
Melky Cabrera CF
Francisco Cervelli C

Pitching: Joba Chamberlain RHP (1-1, 3.77 ERA)

ORIOLES (13-18)
Brian Roberts 2B
Adam Jones CF
Nick Markakis RF
Aubrey Huff 1B
Melvin Mora 3B
Luke Scott DH
Gregg Zaun C
Felix Pie LF
Robert Andino SS

Pitching: Koji Uehara RHP (2-3, 4.42 ERA)

Yanks vs. Uehara

J. Damon 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .333 .333 .333 .667
M. Teixeira 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000 .000
H. Matsui 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000 .000
D. Jeter 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 .500 .667 .500 1.167
J. Posada 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000 .000
X. Nady 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .500 .500 .500 1.000
C. Ransom 2 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 .500 .500 1.000 1.500
R. Cano 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .500 .500 .500 1.000
B. Gardner 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 .000 .000 .000

O's vs. Chamberlain

M. Mora 8 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 .125 .125 .125 .250
A. Huff 8 1 0 0 0 1 0 3 .125 .125 .125 .250
L. Scott 5 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 .000 .167 .000 .167
N. Markakis 5 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 .400 .500 .400 .900
A. Jones 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 .000 .000 .000 .000
G. Zaun 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 .000 .000 .000 .000
B. Roberts 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 .333 .333 .333 .667
T. Wigginton 3 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 .667 .667 .667 1.333

News & Notes

UPDATE 1:46 p.m.: According to Kat O'Brien, Xavier Nady is eying a mid-June return. He will start swinging a bat next weekend, but if he continues to have elbow issues he could undergo Tommy John surgery.

In ten games and one start against the O's, Joba Chamberlain is 1-0 with a 1.23 ERA. And he's struck out 21 batters in 14.2 innings pitched. Four of those games - all in relief - came at Camden Yards, where he is 0-0 with a 3.38 ERA. The one start he made came last year on July 30th at Yankee Stadium, he lasted 6 innings, allowing two runs (one earned) on five hits, struck out six, and did not walk a batter.

- Koji Uehara has made one start agains the Yankees in his career and that came back on April 8th. He last five innings, allowing just one run on five hits and a walk, and picked up his first MLB win.

- Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there.

Stick around and discuss the game
as it happens in the comments section


Anonymous said...

Greg, I know you agreed with Peter Abraham's Edwar comments yesterday. Today he had another good point about Angel Berroa...

"ANGEL BERROA UPDATE: Berroa was called up on April 21. He has had 12 at-bats and played in seven of the 17 games. He has appeared in one of the last six games. Wouldn’t John Rodriguez or Shelley Duncan be more useful as a pinch hitter?"

What do you think?

Greg Cohen said...

I think he's absolutely right, with A-Rod back and Pena on the roster Berroa has no business being on this team.

Anonymous said...

Yea I feel the same way too.

Anonymous said...

Nice shot by Teixeira, hopefully this is a sign he's coming out of it.

Greg Cohen said...

Hopefully anon.

Anonymous said...

Great, Joba has nothing. Get him out and save this game, bring on Aceves.

Liam Gallagher said...

Joba stinks so far.

Liam Gallagher said...

3-1 now......s***!

Greg Cohen said...

Joba's thumb looks like it's bothering him. He has no command whatsoever.

Greg Cohen said...

Oh, and if Joba really has balls the first pitch to Huff the next time around will be right in the middle of his back.

Anonymous said...

uhhh what the fuck is Teixeira doing?

Liam Gallagher said...

Tex!!!!! What are u thinking!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Can't Clueless Joe sit somebody like Cano or Jeter or Swisher since they are probably tired? Nice to see Pena and Gardner rot on the bench. I am glad we called up Tomko and left Berroa on the bench.

Greg Cohen said...

I don't care what Kay or Singleton says, the next pitch should be in them middle of those numbers.

Anonymous said...

How could every Yankee pitcher give up so many runs earlier? Oh yea because they suck. YOu'er so good at building a good team Cashman its unreal. This is absolutely a LOSER team and even bigger LOSER organization.

Greg Cohen said...

Anon, if Girardi started Pena over Jeter everyone would be complaining about it.

The most important thing is that the Yankees don't like Uehara get into a grove. They need to tie this game as quickly as possible and pick up their pitcher.

Bentton said...

greg, liam, it's been a while! i've been madd busy now that i gotta new job, and i work at nights! but anyways, i'm watching the game, and from what i saw in the 1st from joba, he shouldn't be pitching in this game

Anonymous said...

And, Abraham comments are stupid. Why does Cashman still have a job is the real question. Why is Jeter batting 1st or 2nd? He should be batting 7,8, or 9th. Its ridiculous watching the same garbage players every day.

daneptizl said...

Where does it hurt more to get hit, the back or the ribs.... wherever it is... Joba better know where to go.

Anonymous said...

Nice pithcing staff you got there Cashman!! Even better OF, bench, BP and hitters! ROFLMAO. You friggin loser. Oh yea the hotttttt Melky Cabrera! Idiots! Melky sucks. He does nothign when you need it and is terrible at situational hitting. This is NOT a professional team!

Greg Cohen said...

No, they're not anon. Please tell me how Angel Berroa belongs on the roster.


What's up man?

Congrats on the new job. Yea, Joba has no command. It will be interesting to see how he handles the second inning and beyond.

daneptizl said...

Joba should be pitching in this game.

Anonymous said...

Do you guys think the Yankees have problems with their scouting department? They never seem to know how to get hitters out, but other teams always seem to know how to get them out. Could this be a bigger problem than we think?

- Not the other Anon who hates the Yankees.

Greg Cohen said...

Should or shouldn't, Dane?

Greg Cohen said...

Wow, what a great matchup for Tuesday. Didn't even realize that was the pitching matchup.

daneptizl said...

Should. Someone said he shouldn't be.

Bentton said...

thanks greg. it looks like joba kinda cooled down alittle bit. i gotta know, does anyone listen to mike francesca?

Greg Cohen said...

Oh okay Dane.

I do sometimes, Bentton, but I really don't know why. I think he's a moron.

daneptizl said...

Joba had his low velocity issues in the first inning again and returned to his regular self after that.

daneptizl said...

Are you a Francesca Follower, Bentton?

Greg Cohen said...

This has to be a problem with his pregame routine, and Dave Eiland is the guy who needs to figure it out and fix it. That's what pitching coaches do.

Bentton said...

i've been listening to him since i now have the YES Network down here in maryland, and it's like all this past week, he's been shittin' on us. me and my best friend's brother was listenin' to him, and as much as it hurt to hear what he had to say, i guess some of the things he did mention were kinda true. like how the team got older, when the rest of the division got younger, and how injuries are hurting us, and there's no life in the new digs, and oh let me not go into how badly he shitted on joba for his last start!

Greg Cohen said...

I agree with him about the new stadium, but that's about it.

The injuries have killed this team once again and it's not like it's only guys who are over 35. Wang is 29 Nady is only 30, Bruney is 27, so it's not only an age issue. This team really has a ton of bad luck. Plus their coaching is just awful.

Then the Yankees try to get younger and fools like Francessa complain about it because they have no patience.

Greg Cohen said...

Other anon, that's a good point about scouting, and you might be right.

Bentton said...

u have a point there, no patience. i say, let the stadium hit september, and i bet the place will be bumpin' hard!

daneptizl said...

The Yankees average age is at 28.3, while the Rays are at 2 and Boston's at 28.6. If it wasn't for the injuries, obviously we would be in a better place, but what he's saying isn't very analytical.

daneptizl said...

Make Huff hurt.

Greg Cohen said...

lol I agree, just not if there are men on base.

Anonymous said...

Kenny is right, Jones it out.

Greg Cohen said...

Good call umps.

Joba, just get him to ground into two. Hit him next time.

daneptizl said...

If Jones had missed the base completely and then come back and touched it, he would have been safe, right?

Greg Cohen said...

I think so.

daneptizl said...

Rays are at 28*

Bentton said...

if you slide into second, and stop at the base, your safe. but if you slide over the base and miss it and try to come back, your out.

but anyways, it looks like joba is loosing his command, badly!

Anonymous said...

Come on Joba!!!

Greg Cohen said...

YEA! BIG DP. If the O's had scored there I don't think the Yanks would have had any chance to come back.

daneptizl said...

This is an embarassment... this guy isn't freaking Sawamura.

Greg Cohen said...

The at-bats just get worse and worse as soon as a man gets on base. Everyone is looking to be the hero. Can these guys relax and just try to hit a damn single.

Bentton said...

this leads me to wonder what would be the state of the yankees if they did get johan santana?

daneptizl said...

Johan would have them at 1-2 games over .500 at best.

Greg Cohen said...

I really don't think they'd be any better this year. Last year yes, this year I don't think so. Also, Johan in the AL East would not be putting anywhere close to the numbers he's putting up in the NL East.

daneptizl said...

You know how it's going if Melky's putting together the best at-bats.

Bentton said...

true, to me, it just seems like the NL in a whole is weak, but then again i've always liked the AL. i honestly hope wang comes back good. it's just that some of the starts we have have just been straight horrible! and we've all been embarrassed like hell. and i think teixiera should be 4th, and a-rod 3rd

Greg Cohen said...

I'm not sure if it would change anything, but if the Yankees lose today I want to see someone fired. Ideally Dave Eiland, Kevin Long wouldn't hurt either. Something needs to change on this team. The entire pitching staff looks lost and the team, for the second year in a row, cannot hit with men on base.

Anonymous said...

Average age doesn't mean anything. Yankees young players stink. The Rays and Red Sox have young players that are awesome. And, their old players produce. The Yankees dont.

And, now, I have heard it all that the Yankees tried to get younger. With who? And, you forget that Posada, Jeter, Mo and Damon ALL got older and are worse. And, it is the same players that have injuries. Wang, Posada, Mo, Arod and Nady were all injured before. If Cashman is so good then why did he get Marte and Nady instead of Bay? What a gm!!

All of you guys REFUSE to face the facts adn put the blame where it belongs and that's on Cashman.

Greg Cohen said...

Anon, go over to SOSH with all the rest of your red sox fans.

Greg Cohen said...

Melky use your fucking head. Why are you throwing to third?

This is my point, this team doesn't know how to play winning baseball and it's because of the coaching staff.

Anonymous said...

Not a Sox fan. You just cant handle the truth. The young Yankee players SUCK and the young Red Sox players produce. This is called scientific observable fact. You're in loser denial.

Nice range by Jeter. He was already playing close to 2nd and still can't make that play or at the very least get a glove on it. How pathetic.

Greg Cohen said...

No, has nothing to do with denial. I know how good the Sox and Rays young talent is. I'm just sick of you and your constant negative bullshit. Nobody here cares what you think.

Anonymous said...

This team has no brains and it starts at the top with Cashman. And, you're telling me that a professional baseball player doewsn't know where to throw that ball?

Greg Cohen said...

Melky Cabrera is a dumb baseball player. He's never shown anything but stupidity on the field.

Anonymous said...

I haven't even been here, LOL. I avoided this place for days. Too funny.

Of course, you can't stand anyting negative beccause that's how you solve problems. You find out what's wrong with somethign and fix it. You don't think positive. That does NOTHING. This is called debugging in the real world. You typical satanic idiot. Think positive like your father the devil. YEA HATH GOD SAID.

Greg Cohen said...

We fans don't solve problems. The organization does. You saying how bad the team is all the time isn't going to change a damn thing.

We are all watching the games, we all see the problems.

Us thinking positively or negatively isn't going change a thing either way.

Anonymous said...

Anon, Greg's right, you're a fucking faggot and if you truly root for the Yankees you are one of the worst fans I've ever encountered.

- Not the faggot.

Greg Cohen said...

What does bother me is that this team never tries to manufacture a run, even if it's just one at a time. I know Girardi is hoping for the big inning, but you gotta get every run you can when you can.

Greg Cohen said...

See, leadoff man gets on and doesn't move an inch. Awful, just awful.

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean. It really is pathetic. Why not have Jeter bunt and then maybe they eventually push that run across. These big innings Girardi waits for never seem to come.

Anonymous said...

Thats right and who followed the leadoff single? Oh, that's right Jeter who can't hit a meatball at 86 mph right down the middle. Jeter should be battting 8th and riding the pine. The old man are ALWAYS killing this team.

Exactly all liberals speak the same. You can't argue facts because you get in an emotional panic over them so you start name calling. LOL!

Thinking negatively absolutely is the right step.

Greg Cohen said...

"Thinking negatively absolutely is the right step."

Not as a fan you tool.

And what doesn't being a liberal or conservative, or an idiot like yourself, have to do with any of this?

Sickend Fan said...

These at-bats a are making me sick.

Greg Cohen said...

I know how you feel.

Vinsanity13 said...

Who is that morron waving his big syringe every time A-Rod comes to bat?

Man, at times it seams like the Yankees are never gonna score again! They go soooo quietly.

Loses against Eaton an now some Japanese pitcher would be very hard to take.

Greg Cohen said...

I'm telling you, Kevin Long is part of this problem, Vinsanity. Ever since Mattingly left that dugout this team hasn't been able to hit in the clutch and they fall into slumps that they just can't get out of.

Vinsanity13 said...

I know Greg, I think you're right about that. Long got so much credit for A-Rod's 2007 season (he had "cleaned up his swing") but IMHO never took the blame for their repeated slumps (like Cano's for example).

To come back to my point about the morron, did you see him??! What's shocking is that the guy has a Yankee jersey! If you come to the ballpark not to root for your team, then stay at home.

BTW, I think I found a way to fix Joba. Just put Mariano in the first inning, he pitches a scoreless one, then put Joba and he finishes the game (since I think the only runs he allowed in his last 2 starts were in the first).
Anyone with me?

Go Bombers.

Greg Cohen said...

It was a Yankees fan with the needle? Wow, pathetic.

Anonymous said...

yaaaay cano!!!! now get other people on base

Greg Cohen said...

I'm glad Cano went deep, but that's the only way they're scoring and it concerns me.

Vinsanity13 said...

I'm with you one that one Greg, they just can't continu to have no hits with RISP and only hit HRs.

Anonymous said...

who's baltimore's set up man?

Greg Cohen said...

Love the hustle by Cervelli right there. Hopefully Jeter can come through.

Johnson is their setup man.

Vinsanity13 said...

Civelli is fired up and it's so nice to see. The other night with CC he was too and I like it.

Good to see people frustrated when they're out and fired up when the reach.
I love when Yanks show signs that baseball isn't only their jobs. But lately (for a few years now) it has been missing.

Go Bombers.

Anonymous said...

The Captain really tatooed that ball!

Now they have to stay out of the DP.

Vinsanity13 said...

Ssssssssssee ya!

Greg Cohen said...

Well, I'll take that home run too.

What a great job by Damon.

Vinsanity13 said...

And Joba is in line for the win. Nice.
Still a HR but eh! you take it!

Go bullpen. Go Bombers.

Greg Cohen said...

Nice job Phil, leave him in for the 8th. Why not? They got nobody out there who's better.

Vinsanity13 said...

I was gonna say "Who's our 8th inning guy today?" but yes, Coke would be nice.

Go Bombers.

Vinsanity13 said...

I'd love for the Yankees to have some insurance runs and be able to plunk Huff in the 8th or 9th for his absurdity in the 1st.

Being really fired up striking out a batter in the 8th of a big game is understandable, being dumb in the first in plunk-eligable.

Greg Cohen said...

Yea, a run or two in the ninth would be very, very nice.

And yes, Huff should be hit. Pitchers all over the sport pump there fist, yet Joba is the only person anyone talks about.

Anyway, why the hell is Veras warming up, does Girardi want to lose?

Vinsanity13 said...

I think they'll wait until the O's come to NY to hit Huff, that's a smart move.

Greg Cohen said...

I agree.

Greg Cohen said...

The YES gun is once again slow. Mo is throwing 92-93 not 91. (Proper MPH readings via

Vinsanity13 said...

Nice FC Barcelona jersey for the guy behind HP. I knew soccer was going to invade the US eventually!

Greg Cohen said...


Anonymous said...

see ya

Greg Cohen said...

One more....

Anonymous said...

thaaaaaaaaaa yankees win....thaaaaa yankees win

Greg Cohen said...


I nominate Phil Coke for setup man.

Anonymous said...

Take that HuFF!!