Sunday, May 10, 2009

Yanks' Security Insult Another

From Bob Raissman:

‘Securing' the Stadium

Now it appears Yankees security staffers (aka The Trost Toasties) were just warming up when they ejected Paul O'Neill, the former Bomber and current Yankees Entertainment & Sports Network analyst, from the Stadium indoor batting cages before a game against the Angels on Saturday.

On Tuesday night, before the Bombers entertained Boston, security tried to evict another YES analyst, Ken Singleton, from the indoor batting cages.

Spies say Singleton reminded this particular security guard he had been coming to the old Yankee Stadium since “before you were born.” Then, Singleton said he was not moving. So, the bum-rush job didn't work.

Good for Singleton. Apparently those at YES who should be sticking up for him are locked behind closed doors and engaged in a serious game of pickup-sticks.

It would be nice to interview some Trost Toasties but, according to Newsday's Barbara Barker, all Stadium employees have been asked to sign (at least not in blood) a document stating they won't talk to the media.

I know some of you don't find anything wrong with this, but I do. These guys cover the team, and they need to be able to actually cover the team. If a YES analyst can stand on the field during BP and talk to players, they should be able to do the same with the indoor facilities. I can't see how letting these guys down there can effect anything in a bad way.


Anonymous said...

I agree, it is a little ridiculous.


Greg Cohen said...

Glad it's not just me and Raissman that feel this way.

Ross said...

I think you know that we share your sentiments over at NSI as well.

- Ross
New Stadium Insider

Greg Cohen said...

Yea, that's true Ross.

By the way, I hope you guys didn't mind me posting those pics yesterday.

SteveB said...

I hate that the Yankees security is acting this way.

I continue to wonder who is REALLY running this organization. Doesn't this sound like a Randy Levine edict to anyone?

Greg Cohen said...


You're right, it does sound like Randy Levine is behind this.

rpb said...

It goes to the philosophy that all people not in a Yankee uniform are criminals trying to get over on the system. They take fans for granted and now the media including out of town broadcasters. The Steinbrenner family better get this under control. Levine and Trost will blame some low level employees for this and all other blunders when we know where the orders come from above.

Anonymous said...

This stuff never happened when George was running the team. I put the blame on Trost and Levine.

Both Reggie Jackson and Paul O'Neil were not allowed to enter the clubhouse what a joke that is.

daneptizl said...

The Stunner fixes all of this.

Greg Cohen said...

The Stunner?

italianstalion7 said...

Good for Kenny... The only thing that would have made this story better is if he knocked one of them out.

RockinDaBronx said...

Kenny is a nice guy, But I'm willing to bet he could break a security guy in two if he wanted.

I dont get it, it's like the Yankees are going out of their way to piss people off.