Thursday, July 30, 2009

Ortiz Tested Positive for PEDs in 2003

From Michael S. Schmidt:
Manny Ramirez and David Ortiz, the sluggers who propelled the Boston Red Sox to end an 86-year World Series championship drought and to capture another title three years later, were among the roughly 100 Major League Baseball players to test positive for performance-enhancing drugs in 2003, according to lawyers with knowledge of the results.

The information about Ramirez and Ortiz emerged through interviews with multiple lawyers and others connected to the pending litigation. The lawyers spoke anonymously because the testing information is under seal by a court order. The lawyers did not identify which drugs were detected.

Asked about the 2003 drug test on Thursday in Boston, Ortiz shrugged. “I’m not talking about that anymore,” he said. “I have no comment.”
Can't say I'm surprised.

Would you say 2004 and 2007 are a little bit tainted now? I would.

Here's a quote from Ortiz on PEDs from February (thanks to Crossfire for the quote):
"If I test positive using any kind of banned substance I'm going to disrespect the game, my family, my fans and everybody. And I don't want to face the situation so I won't use it. I'm sure everybody is on the same page."


Anonymous said...

yeah i knew that ortiz was was juiced b/c in 2007 every time you turned on the red sox game, ortiz would always be rounding the bases. if he is suspended, yankees win WS!

Anonymous said...

the ROYALS just acquired Josh Anderson so He is out for us ...

But this is great, I KNEW IT

Margo said...

not shocked at all. Were there titles I hate the Sox but I know we had steriod users on our teams and so did everyone else.

I would like to hear what Sox fans have to say now.

Danny said...

Good I'm glad baseball couldn't cover this up the way they protected the legitimacy of the Sox on the Mitchell report.

bruceb said...

How do those Sox fans who were chanting "A-Rod-Steroids" at Fenway feel now? Like the fools they are.

Anonymous said...

oh well...i think we all already assumed this

crossfire said...

He will be abused next week. LOL

Anonymous said...

how can anyone say their championships aren't tainted?

this was their lineup, this guy was the one who hit those walk off homer in game 4, what if he didn't?

dont say arod was too cause from what i remember arod aint shit in the playoffs, lol

crossfire said...

Ortiz on 2/16/09:

"If I test positive using any kind of banned substance I'm going to disrespect the game, my family, my fans and everybody. And I don't want to face the situation so I won't use it. I'm sure everybody is on the same page."

Anonymous said...

part of the era....

But on another note hahahahahahaha.

Roid Sox!!!

Anonymous said...

This doesn't change much... There championships are about as tainted as ours were with all the guys that were in the Mitchell Report. But justice is served as the Red Sux could not stay away for ever. I'm not surprised but now the stupid Boston fans can't say Sh**.

Anonymous said...

David Roidtiz?

Anonymous said...

although i'm glad this came out, the entire list needs to be released.

Mario said...

nice lookup CROSSFIRE, what a freaking hypercritic. Yes the list needs to be FULLY released, can't wait to hear how Peter " I LOVE BOSTON" Gammons spins this, this came at the perfect time too, with Boston struggling...

crossfire said...

The Boston Roid Sox! LOLOLOL

crossfire said...

didn't make that up by the way... just saw it written. But very funny!

Unknown said...

I'm watching Gammons now on espn2. I love how he is defending them in every way he could. He said they won a world series in 04 when a lot of people did it and it's not tainted. LOLOL. Long live the curse! They couldn't win w/o the roids!

Will said...

Seriously this is awesome! This nails every loser out of Boston: Oritz, Mitchell, Gammons, etc...

Another priceless quote from Ortiz just this year, Feb 17 2009:

"I would suggest everybody get tested, not random, everybody," Ortiz told the Associated Press. "You go team by team. You test everybody three, four times a year and that's about it."

"Ban them for the whole year," he suggested as punishment for a first-time offense.


LOL, I assume Ortiz will not be in the lineup the rest of the year, taking a voluntary ban?! That would be the best thing that could happen to the Sox, since he couldn't hit a water melon if it was put on a T anyway.

Real Fake Sports said...

Is anyone really surprised by this?

Red Sox Nation Trying to Retroactively Legalize Steroids in 2003 (Satire)

Brian said...

I had a pretty good idea that Papi was juiced based his physique and how his stats inflated when he came to Boston from Minnesota in 2003. As with Manny and A-ROD, they were pretty good hitters in the 90’s, but I had a pretty good idea that they were using even before it was revealed just by how much different the two looked back in 2003 compared to the late 90’s when they played for Cleveland and Seattle respectively. Even as an avid Yankee fan and a Red Sox hater, I had a considerable amount of respect for Ortiz. Not anymore! Although I unequivocally condemn the use of steroids, I don’t think he (nor A-ROD) should be punished simply because it was not illegal at the time. As for as the Red Sox and Yankee championships in recent years, the past two decades are tainted. I will however say that although their will occasionally be a positive test, I am very pleased with the actions MLB has taken to rid the sports of steroids. I believe that the current system is adequate.

Mike N. said...

They have to release this list. Its bad for baseball for it to keep leaking out. Time to just release it and end the era.

Will said...


over the players association's dead body.

Greg Cohen said...

I agree, the entire list shoudl be released.

Brian said...

I too agree. Its only fair to A-ROD, ORTIZ, and MANNY that the other names on the list be made public as well.

Mike B. said...

I'm not surprised by this news at all. Well, well, well. It was either 'roids or cheeseburgers for the ugly sob.

Peter Gammons: the classic drunk-looking fool....


Best Care Products said...

I've just been told that the report is true," Ortiz said in a statement after contacting the union. van leasing

yankee baseball blog said...

That is true, the Red Sox suck and 2004 and 2007 is for sure tainted. We should throw papi out for the year right? According to his rules...