Thursday, July 9, 2009

Visiting New Stadium Not on Torre's Itinerary

Joe Torre is in town with his Dodgers to play three games against the Mets, but has no plans, now or in the future, to visit the new Yankee Stadium.
When asked before Wednesday night's game against the Mets if he had any interest in seeing the Yanks' luxurious new park, the Dodgers manager said, "Nope. None. I've heard good things about (the new stadium). That's about it."

Having grown up in Brooklyn, played Mayor's Cup games in high school at the old Stadium and won four World Series rings while Yankee manager, Torre said he'd like to remember the place the way it was.

"I left there, and I knew it was gonna be my last time. I would have been very surprised if it wasn't my last time, so I took everything in," said Torre, who managed the Yanks from 1996-2007. "I have so many great memories there."

Torre said he arranged to purchase seats from the old stadium, as he has done with other places where he played or managed, and that is all he will physically take from the place.

"Everything that happened (at the old stadium) was enough for me," Torre said. "Great memories."

"I've seen it on TV and I've heard about it, you know about right field," Torre said about the high number of home runs being hit to right. "If you hit the ball straight away to right field in the old ballpark it was pretty friendly too."

Torre did admit that there is one condition under which he would like to check out the new Stadium - leading the Dodgers there in a World Series.

"I wouldn't mind seeing it in October," Torre said with a smile. "But to be perfectly honest, I'd like to see any stadium in October."


Scotty B said...

It's really ashame Joe and the Yankees couldn't part on better terms. He is a big part of yankee history!

Greg Cohen said...

Agreed. I think if George was still George this wouldn't have been handled that way it was.

Anonymous said...

This may blow over but not anytime soon. Probably a Joe Torre day within about 10 years I would bet.

Anonymous said...

Yeah the sons seem to be a couple of pricks. George was hard on his players but in an old school tough love way.

crossfire said...

I don't think Hal comes off as a prick but Hank did. I think eventually there will be a thaw.

The Yanks should absolutely retire Joe's #6 some day with a big ceremony. If and when they do, I will be there!

Scott_in_Sacramento said...

The Yanks should absolutely retire Joe's #6 some day with a big ceremony. If and when they do, I will be there!


100% agreed. I think that if the Yanks had just straight up fired him, Joe would have been fine with it. That's life in the big leagues. The chickenshit way they handled it was a disgrace.

Anonymous said...

Torre is a bum I dont want him at the new stadium. KEEP OUT you trader!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

How is he a traitor? He got fired and wanted to continue to manage. Not like he went to the sox.

Greg Cohen said...

lol Torre is not a traitor.

crossfire said...

He didn't say he was a "traitor". He said he was a "trader". LOL

Mike R. said...

Torre deserves the utmost respect from all fans of baseball.

Brian Danuff said...

100% agreed. I think that if the Yanks had just straight up fired him, Joe would have been fine with it. That's life in the big leagues. The chickenshit way they handled it was a disgrace.

Exactly. Joe will be there instantly when the Yanks call him up and say they're having a Joe Torre Day. He's just sill a bit pissed the way the Yanks handled his situation back in '06 and '07.

Brian Danuff said...

I'm still pissed myself the way the front office dealt with Torre.

12 straight years of October baseball, 6 pennants, 4 World Series wins, 10 years they finished 1st in the AL East, and you offer him shit. It's like Joe did nothing in the 12 years he was here.

I'm not saying Joe Girardi has done a bad job, but who knows? Maybe if Torre was managing last year we may have made the playoffs.

But I guess I shouldn't be missing Torre now. The Yanks are red-hot, we're a game out of 1st, and we have a great shot of playing in October this season.

Raven King said...

There WON'T be a Joe Torre Day.
They didn't even invite him to the Final Game at the Old Stadium.

Christopher Smith said...

But the Yankees will play the Dodgers in interleague one day. I'll bet he gets a huge ovation too.

Greg Cohen said...

Good point 3336333.