Thursday, September 24, 2009

Hairston Listed As Day-to-Day

According to the Yankeees, via PeteAbe, Jerry Hairston, Jr. was seen by a hand specialist and underwent an MRI today at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital. He got good news as the MRI revealed that he has tendinitis in his left wrist. He also received a cortisone shot in his wrist, and is day-to-day.


JP said...

Good news.

Whats up Greg? I have not slept yet, cant wait to cave in later.

Anonymous said...

dude how long have you been awake and why?

JP said...

At 11pm it will be 3 days without sleep. To answer why, school work man, school work. Im taking Law courses so your free time and sleep don't exist at certain times.

Anonymous said...

thats harsh man. where you going?

JP said...

Right now Im knocking the BS courses out at Suffolk Community b/c its just cheaper. Then Im probably gunna transfer from there to St. John's or NYU(My grand-dad may have to pull a few strings with his connections on that one.)

Anonymous said...

word. I go to Nassau Community, hows suffolk?

Anonymous said...

Suffolks balls, no good looking chicks, and the kids there a dumb as bricks, I'm years ahead in my Law class b/c I took Con, American and International Law in high school.

JP said...

Idk why that was highlighted under Anon.

Anonymous said...

nice man, yeah, i looked at it an was wondering wtf happened.

JP said...

are there any games on?

Anonymous said...

naw, not that i know of, later people no one seems to be here today.

JP said...

Pz G.

Logan. said...

good news for Hairston.

Greg Cohen said...

Hey Durden, can't believe you're still up.

JP said...

im fading now, sleep is gunna be awesome! gunna be like a mini-coma