Friday, September 18, 2009

Heyman Looks At the Yankees Free Agents

Jon Heyman (hat-tip to River Ave. Blues) broke down baseball top 24 free agents that will be hitting the market this offseason. Three of the members of the list are Yankees free agents, Johnny Damon, Andy Pettitte, and Hideki Matsui.
17. Johnny Damon, Yankees outfielder. Big year. But "better in Yankee Stadium,'' the GM said.
Agent: $18 million, 2 years.
GM: Whatever the Yankees want to pay.
Me: $16 million, 2 years.

19. Andy Pettitte,Yankees starter. He says he's undecided about a return. But everyone thinks he's going back to the Yankees.
Agent: $10 million, 1 year.
GM: $11-12 million, 1 year.
Me: $12 million, 1 year.

20. Hideki Matsui, Yankees DH. Big field of DHs may hurt him. Could replace Ken Griffey Jr. in Seattle, the GM predicted.
Agent: $20 million, 2 years.
GM: $5-6 million, 1 year.
Me: $8 million, 1 year.

I think resigning Pettitte is a must. He's been their second best pitcher this season and looks like he has at least one more year in him, probably more. I also have no problem with a one-year $12 million dollar deal. For what he's done this years he's earned it.

I think the Yankees will sign one of the other two. Probably Damon, but Matsui also has made a strong case for himself. He's actually having the better offensive season (.280/.370/.516 25 HR 85 RBI for Matsui and .282/.365/.496 24 HR 76 RBI for Damon), and since July 28th, he's hitting .329/.394/.570 with 10 HR and 41 RBI. But Damon can actually run and can play in the field, both things Matsui cannot do. It will be a tough decision for the Yankees, but regardless of who they sign it must be a one-year deal. Two years for either Damon or Matsui scares me a bit.


Unknown said...

I agree with signing Damon over Matsui. I think Hideki will break down quicker and Damon will end up giving you more for your money over the life of the deal. Even if that's one year. I'm hoping Matsui holds up through October, much less a year or two more.
Plus as you said Damon can still attempt to play left field, ha, and run. He has more upside but it will be sad to see Hideki go. Doesn't he hate Ichiro though? Why would he go to Seattle?

JP said...

I hope Hideki has some bling for when he leaves..

Anonymous said...

I would sign Damon instead of Matsui. Damon has the perfect yankee stadium swing in the old and now in the new stadium.

Also you cant trust Matsui knees. He has had to get them drained twice this year and he has only DH this year.

Damon still has good speed and can score from 1st base if the ball is hit in the gap, something Matsui cant do.

I respect Hideki and hopefully he wins a world series ring this year which most likely will be his last year as a yankee.

Anonymous said...

I thought no way Pettite would come back in the beginning of the season. But now with Wang's injury and Andy pitching well, I think Pettitte will be back on a 1 year deal. There really is no better option in free agecny.

1- Sabathia
2- Burnett
3- Pettitte
4- Chamberlain
5- Hughes

Aceves should remain in the bullpen he is too valuable there. And Gaudin has pitched very well. I would make him the long man/spot starter in the bullpen next year.

Then your 6th starter in Scranton would be Kennedy. And McAllister would be the 7th starter in scranton like Mitre was this year.

JP said...

I think Andy Pettitte would be great again next season. But I think he needs an innings limit much like Joba to be successful, he seems to have slowed down at the 170IP mark the last few seasons.

crossfire said...

I'd love to see the Yanks bring back all three in one year deals. Not sure if that is possible but it would be nice.

I love having Matsui on the team because he is so clutch but it's hard because he can't field anymore.

But I'd sure hate to see him on a rival.

Anonymous said...

i sign matsui over damon, matsui is flat out very good hitter, his knees will be better (though keep at DH) and sign Chone Figgins from the Angels. Figgins can play 7 positions and add big time consistent speed to the line up. Damon is a liability in the OF and cut his HR #'s by 30% if he has an off year and he is a drag on the line up Go yanks!!

Anonymous said...

Damon works counts and that helps this team wear down pitchers

JP said...

Damon would be the way to go, hes the healthiest of the 2. I don't think Figgins will come here and I dont think the Yankees will show interest. Holliday or Bay are going to be who the FO checks out.

JP said...

I wonder if we will offer Damon and Matsui the same contract but whoever accepts it 1st gets it. I've read this idea from a few sites and it seems to be making its way around. I don't the the PA would allow that though.

Greg Cohen said...

Based on what Heyman said I think Matsui will take a one-year deal first, plus he's not represented by Boras.

JP said...

Yeah but Boras is a non-factor for Damon, he already said he wants to stay and knows he would need to take a pay cut to do so, which he said he would do.

Greg Cohen said...

Remember, this is the same guy that told Red Sox fans he'd never consider playing for the Yankees. I don't know if we can believe what he says. I hope we can.

JP said...

true that.

Anonymous said...

DaMON will ReTuRn homE to BoSToN!!! WheRe HE BeLONgs!!!

Anonymous said...

honestly i'd rather have matsui and damon back than bay (crappy) or holliday (nl-only)

rpb said...

I think the Yankees will make a serious move to trade for Halladay over the winter and with that some young outfielder like Melky may be on the block. Same with Duncan, Nady (not so young)and a host of lesser minor league players. So both Dammon & Matsui may be back for much less (5 - 8 million range). The economics of baseball have changed, advertising and tickets sales are down and players will not get the big payouts (Tex)like last year.

Matsui and Damon are still productive and Matsui brings in revenue. If Joba is part of the deal for Halliday then Pettitte will see about the same contract even if more money is up front and not part of any incentives.

But the key is the play for Halladay. If the Yankees land him, at what cost in terms of players? Then we see if Damon, Matsui, and Pettitte slide back in.

Anonymous said...

halladay sucks...let's get greinke

Anonymous said...

If Matsui must accept salary cut, Japanese fans would want him to join other team. He can make both ends meet by himself with the right to broadcasting fee from Japan, commercial plates in stadium for Japanese fans through TV and letting Japanese fans buy tickets and goods. So, Oakland or LA is preferable because there are many Japanese residents and come many Japanese tourists. There is a proberb originated from Sumou restling, 'The kindness is repaid.', which means showing improved skills to those whom one used to be obliged to as the opponent.