Monday, September 21, 2009

Poll: Who should be the Yanks no. 4 starter?

With Joba Chamberlain continuing to struggle, I'm beginning to struggle with the idea of giving him the ball in a big spot in the playoffs. His inconsistency scares me. So with that said, I think it's time for another poll. This time I want you to tell me who you think Joe Girardi should tab as the Yankees no. 4 starter in the playoffs. The options are Joba, Chad Gaudin, and Sergio Mitre. The poll can be found on the right sidebar, and you can also answer in the comment section below. Thanks!


bruceb said...

Let's be honest. If we have to use any of these three we're in trouble. Chamberlain should be in the pen for the playoffs as a 1-2-3 of Mo, Huuuuuuughes and Joba would be awesome. If I have to choose between the other two then Gaudin would definitely be ahead of Mitre. At least he throws strikes and makes the opposition hit him.

Anonymous said...

What About Ian Kennedy????

They have enough time to stretch him. Worth a shot I think...

Otherwise, I think Gaudin could gulp be the guy. eeek

JP said...

Gaudin is the guy, Jobber has been horrid.

Anonymous said...


SteveB said...

I can't make a decision on this until right after the 162nd game. I want Joba in the worst way, but the worst way might be exactly what we get from him. The absolutely last thing I want is another exit in the ALDS, so if I don't think Joba can be a help, I wouldn't let him touch a ball in the series unless the situation was impossible-- remember Irabu in the 1999 ALCS? But in the ALDS the Yankees won't need a 4th starter anyway. All that said, there is almost no chance the Yankees wouldn't have him on the ALDS roster unless he's injured, which he's not.

Unknown said...

2nd on the Swish.

Anonymous said...

This is a tough one. I'd probably say Joba with Gaudin ready to go.

I simply do not trust Joba. He could do well but then again, he could pitch like he has no clue what he is doing.

Mario said...

how about we just sweep the first series, 3-0, then alcs, all three pitch, gaudin, mitre, joba, should be able to get 6 innings out of them 3 bums...

bruceb said...

On a different subject, is anyone else concerned about A-Rod? Right now, he looks terrible at the plate, leaving the balls he should be swinging at and vice versa. His "new stance" appears uncomfortable and his home-run swing is nowhere to be seen. I'm wondering just how badly this guy is hurting? We can't really afford to rest him against the Angels and even if we do, is a day's rest going to solve the problem?

Anonymous said...

Joba should be the 4th starter I dont even see a debate honestly.

Even though he is struggling I have way more faith in him in a playoff game than Gaudin or Mitre.

Keep Joba on a quick hook and have Gaudin back him up in case he struggles.

Unknown said...

Chad Gaudin deserves it. Ian Kennedy has done nothing this year. You can't just throw him in the playoff rotation. You have to earn it.

rob said...

go two words for ya. Chad Gaudin. put joba in the pen where he belongs.

Mike B. said...

Not Joba.


Unknown said...

Alfredo Aceves as the fourth starter. Start his conditioning now.

SteveB said...

Bottom line--- I hope Mario is right about the ALDS! I forgot about Kennedy, but seriously I doubt the Yankees would put him on the postseason roster unless they had some really serious doubts about their bullpen. He has looked good in AAA, but the ALDS will be 'a little' different.

Anonymous said...

Aceves was terrible in his start against Minnesota. Look at what Mitre did yesterday it is a lot easier being a long man out of the bullpen than a starter.