Saturday, October 3, 2009

10/3 Demolition Update

These pics come from Gary Dunaier and show the walkway and escalator by gate 6 coming down.

(click to enlarge)

For the main demolition page click here.


Anonymous said...


Greg Cohen said...

Yes, the game will be on YES tonight. Nice observation.

Greg Cohen said...


Greg Cohen said...


Greg Cohen said...


Greg Cohen said...


Greg Cohen said...


Greg Cohen said...


Greg Cohen said...

As you folks can clearly tell, that's not me. Just some idiot who thinks he's funny. Sad sad Sox fans.

Sam said...

Jack, you seriously need to get a fucking life. You homo.

Not Jack the fucking homo. said...

Jack, shut the hell up.

Greg Cohen said...

Comment moderation is now back on. So if your comments take a min or two to get posted, that's why.

Not Jack the Homo. said...

I see.

Mike E [I was anon (not jack) so i'm using my real name sense i'm not coming back] said...

Greg Cohen,

I'm not coming here anymore because some retard is makeing this site a horrible place to come too. I hope you your problems get solved but until they do I am outta here.

Mike E.

Mike E [I was anon (not Jack) and sense i'm not coming back i'll use my real name] said...

And I can tell that you don't like me because you won't post my comment so thats another reason why i'm not coming back.

Mike E

Greg Cohen said...

Well that's just silly. Comment moderation is now on, so Jack or any other anon who wants to bother us will not have their posts posted. Either way, I have to believe that you, while anon, were one of the trouble makers. Anyone who likes the posts here wouldn't leave because of a commenter.

Greg Cohen said...

So to answer you more directly, yes the "problem" has been solved.

Greg Cohen said...

Mike, what are you talking about? Your comments have been posted.