Second, there's that damn rain. There's a good chance at least one or both of thee games will be postponed. If that were to happen the Angels could bring John Lackey back for game 7 and that would suck. He's a big game pitcher and had he been allowed to finish off that seventh inning last night the Yankees probably don't score a run yesterday.
Third, let's say they do go to a seventh game and win with CC on the mound. That would completely screw up their World Series rotation to the point where the Phillies might have a cake walk. Here's more on the starting staff from Tom Verducci:
But if the Angels win ALCS Game 6, then Sabathia has to start ALCS Game 7 on Sunday -- which means the earliest he could start in the World Series would be Game 2 on short rest, and he effectively would be limited to two starts. And if rain washes out Game 6 on Saturday and the Yankees need a Game 7 on Monday to win the pennant, then Sabathia wouldn't take the ball until Game 3.
If the Yankees do have to go seven games to win the ALCS, for the World Series they would have to use:
• A.J. Burnett against Cliff Lee in Game 1 (unless they chose Andy Pettitte on short rest, something has hasn't done since 2006, and only three times in the past nine years).Game 6 must be played and managed like a do or die game. If you ask me it's truly the first must-win of the season. I consider a must-win a game that you have to win or you can kiss your season goodbye.
• A fourth starter, such as Chad Gaudin, for Game 4 or
• Burnett on short rest in Game 4 and Sabathia on short rest in Games 2 and 5.