Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Yanks Three-Man Rotation Is Out Of Fear?

This from Bob Klapisch of Fox Sports:
" The upcoming ALCS figures to be an old-fashioned war between two teams that clearly respect each other. But the Yankees are already bracing for this sobering reality: unlike the Twins, the Angels don't fear them.

"To be honest, I think they look down on us," said general manager Brian Cashman. "They've had their way with us for some time, and now we have something to prove to them. It's not the other way around.

"I think the Angels feared the Red Sox, but they don't fear us. I think they're happy they're playing us."

That sentiment, shared throughout the Yankees hierarchy, is one reason the Bombers are poised to use CC Sabathia three times in this series, in Games 1, 4 and 7. It's a remarkable concession to the threat posed by the Angels; a $204 million team can't find a fourth starter it trusts with the season on the line."
You can read the full post here.

I don't think the Yankees fear the Angels, I think they respect them, being as they're a good ball club. How can the Angels possibly look down on the team with the most wins and the most powerful offense in the majors? I really think the rotation is mainly out of the fact that CC Sabathia is better than Chad Gaudin. If they were facing anyone else, I think it would still be the same way. What do you guys think?

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