Friday, November 6, 2009

Canseco Challenges A-Rod to a Fight

I'm sure nobody cares, but I found this story funny. Mainly because it's amazing how pathetic Jose Canseco has become.
Canseco, who has taken to the celebrity boxing matches in his post-baseball career, called out the Yankee slugger while in Springfield, Mass., to promote his match Friday night against Pittsfield, Mass., fighter Todd Poulton.

Canseco has long professed a dislike for Rodriguez, who Canseco wrote about in his 2008 book "Vindicated," the followup to his 2005 steroid tell-all "Juiced." In "Vindicated," Canseco said he introduced Rodriguez to a steroid dealer and that Rodriguez repaid the favor by coming on to Canseco's wife, Jessica, in the late '90s.

When Canseco was asked by at the weigh-in which baseball player he would most like to box, Canseco said: "Who I would love to fight the most if I could pick a baseball player - Alex Rodriguez get your ass into the ring, I'll beat you to a pulp."


Canseco ended his comments with a smile. "That lying little idiot," he said. "I'd like to get him in the ring."
I'm pretty sure the only ring A-Rod is thinking about right now is the one he just won on the field.

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