Monday, February 22, 2010

New Save Gate 2 Video

Check out this nice video from the Save Gate 2 folks:

As we've seen by the increase in speed of the demolition of The Stadium, it's getting to be make or break time for these guys. I, am hoping that this can be one of those times where a few people with a great idea can actually get something done. Some part of that grand old stadium should remain intact.

As a Yankees fan it sickens me to think that nothing will remain standing, and all that will be left will be an empty field and a sign saying "Yankee Stadium once stood here." ...Some tribute.... We're talking about the most famous sports venue since the Roman Coliseum here, not Shea Stadium. As the video correctly states, Yankee Stadium is not only part of sports history, but American history as well. It's embarrassing that people even need to fight.

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