Thursday, March 11, 2010

Two DSL Yanks Suspended For Steroids

From the AP via ESPN (hat-tip to Was Watching):
Four Dominican Summer League players, including a pair of New York Yankees prospects, have been suspended for the first 50 games of the season following positive tests for steroids under baseball's minor league drug program.

Yankees pitcher Israel Tolentino and catcher Josue Rodriguez were penalized along with New York Mets pitcher Melvin Colon and Cleveland Indians outfielder Steven Lebron.

Tolentino and Lebron each tested positive for boldenone metabolite, the commissioner's office said Wednesday. Rodriguez tested positive for metabolites of stanozolol, and Colon for nandrolone.
I'm sure very few of you have heard of these guys (I haven't) so I can't imagine you care too much. Either way, I felt like I should pass this along.