Thursday, April 8, 2010

Why I don't like the WBC

One of the more interesting moments in last night's great Yankee win at Fenway was the interchange at first base when DJ got hit by Lackey. Youkilis had been beaned the inning before and when he got to first he yelled across the diamond to his WBC teammate Derek Jeter that he was next. Unlike a Thurman/Pudge confrontation, this one was done with a smile. When Jeter arrived at 1st after he got hit, instead of anger he was met by a laughing Youkilis. Jeter, in turn, pushed Youkilis off the bag like getting back at a kid brother and they both had a good laugh and conversation. This is what happens when guys like Jeter, Youkilis and the hyperactive little punk Dustin Pedroia spend a couple of months as teammates - instead of angry rivals you get guys that, while competitive, enjoy being around each other. There is a healthy good feeling to all this but a part of me yearns for the knock down, drag him out, benches clearing animosity that use to be shared not only by these rivals' fans but by the teams themselves.

I harken back to May 20, 1976 when while Louuuuu squared off with Fisk at home plate, Nettles performed a wrestling body slam on Spaceman Bill Lee, separating his shoulder. Even as recently as 2004, these teams seemed to have a "healthier" dislike for each other. I don't know if it's the WBC, free agency, or the fact that the BoSux have broken the curse and feel more like equals but I don't think I like this kissy-feely bullshit. I know Leo Durocher is spinning in his grave somewhere. I've even noticed less stands fights when the two teams get together. I used to place the over/under at about 20 for fights in the stands and now it's definitely under 5.

So tell me, do you like the mellower age we live in?

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