I'm also not going to single anyone or any site out as a culprit, that's not my style, but you know who you are, and if you read those blogs you know who they are as well.
The bottom line, as Jeter likes to say, is that he did nothing wrong at all, and any complaining about it needs to end immediately. It's petty, pointless, and lame, especially if you're a Yankees fan.
I also must send out props to Chad Jennings for being one of the few who spoke honestly on the subject, and with that, I'll turn things over to him:
I was surprised to learn today that Derek Jeter, in fact, sold his soul last night. He threw sportsmanship out the window, sullied his good name and became a disgraced member of the Yankees organization when he accepted a bad call, took a base he didn’t deserve and scored a dishonest run.Go here and read the rest of Jenning's post to get the rest, it's worth the read, especially if you are one of the misguided few who have a problem with what Jeter did.
I was surprised to learn these things, because Jeter was playing a baseball game at the time of his transgression.
In baseball, catchers snag outside pitches, scoot the glove toward the plate and sell ball four as strike three. It’s considered a skill. Hitters take borderline pitches and immediately sprint out of the box as if there should be no question that the pitch was out of the zone. Outfielders make diving attempts on shallow fly balls and immediately hold up the ball. How could that ball have hit the ground if it’s currently wrapped tightly in a glove?
“I’m not going to tell them I’m not going to go to first,” Jeter said. “I’ve been hit before and they said I wasn’t hit. My job is to get on base.”
Baseball is an imperfect game. Umpires make the calls, and players do whatever they can to make those calls go their way.