Friday, January 18, 2008

Clemens Forming His Own "Dream Team"

From the New York Daily News:

Roger Clemens has hired the powerful Washington D.C. lawyer who defended President Clinton during his impeachment hearing to represent him when he faces Congress next month.

Lanny Breuer, an expert in representing clients who are the focus of congressional investigations, will join Rusty Hardin, Clemens’ Houston defense attorney.

The attorney for McNamee, Earl Ward, said the move is a good one for Clemens. “He’s a powerful attorney and someone who might talk sense into Roger Clemens and get him to understand that the path he is on is a destructive path. Unlike Hardin, he may be able to keep Clemens out of jail by telling him to keep his mouth shut.”

"We're delighted to have a lawyer of Lanny's ability join Roger's team as we move forward in trying to work constructively with the Congressional committee," Hardin said.

Breuer added: "It is an honor for me to join Rusty Hardin in representing one of the greatest pitchers and athletes of all time."

I'll say one thing for Clemens; he's really pulling out all the stops.

If he is guilty, I really wish he'd have taken the Andy Pettitte approach and just admitted it. To go through all this to hide a lie will just make people dislike him more.


Jim said...

I don't know if hiring the attorney that handled Clinton's impeachment is the best way to go (Clinton was impeached!!!).

I agree with you though. I hope he's not guilty but if he is, he should have gone the way of Andy Pettite and tried to diffuse the situation as best he could.

Great site, btw. When you get a chance, check me out at

Greg Cohen said...
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Greg Cohen said...

Yes he was impeached, but he was acquitted. He won the trail.

Thanks, glad you like it. I'll add your blog to my blog roll.