Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Clemens/McNamee Case Updates

The AP is reporting that Brian McNamee has asked that Roger Clemens' defamation suit be thrown out, and that Rusty Harden, Clemens' lead attorney be removed from the case.
Major League Baseball star Clemens claims he was defamed when McNamee, his former trainer, said Clemens used steroids and human growth hormone from 1998-2001.

McNamee's lawyers filed motions in U.S. District Court in Houston on Tuesday saying that because McNamee's statements to baseball investigator George Mitchell were part of an agreement with federal prosecutors, anything McNamee said to Mitchell was covered by "absolute immunity."

"Rather than acknowledging the truth of Mr. McNamee's allegations, Mr. Clemens has chosen to wage a public-relations battle against Mr. McNamee in the media and the Halls of Congress," the motion stated.
McNamee's lawyers asked that Hardin be removed from the case because he also represented New York Yankees pitcher Andy Pettitte for a period last year... "Continuing to represent Mr. Clemens would violate Mr. Hardin's duty of loyalty to Mr. Pettitte," McNamee's papers said.
But wait, there's more.

From ESPN:
WASHINGTON -- A Democratic congressman asked the FBI on Wednesday to drop its investigation of Roger Clemens because the pitching great had suffered enough from the probe into steroid use.

Rep. Anthony Weiner, a candidate for New York mayor in 2009, said the FBI is too busy with more important crimes to spend time trying to determine if the ex-Yankees pitcher lied to Congress about taking performance-enhancing substances.

"Roger Clemens has been shamed. I think the public record is replete with examples of how he did not likely tell the truth. What is the public benefit of continuing with an FBI investigation?" Weiner said.

Weiner also suggested his fellow lawmakers had gone far enough with inquiries into steroids use by professional athletes and should let professional sports leagues handle the matter.
I couldn't agree more.

(hat tip to the Yankees Chick for the links)