Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Posada Could Be Headed to DL

Posada left today's game in the 7th inning because of his bad shoulder. He told reporters in the post game that he is going to have an MRI tomorrow in Kansas City, and when he was asked about how his arm felt he said, "Dead. It's like I've got no strength."

He also said his biggest concern was how long it would take to heal, "It doesn't take that long to heal -- that's what I'm worried about It usually takes four or five days and you're back at it. I had it during the spring, and now I have it a little bit now. I was throwing good down in Florida, so we'll see."

"I can't be out there if I'm not 100 percent," Posada said. "A catcher is like a pitcher -- you need your arm. If you were an outfielder or a shortstop, you could play through it. We throw as much as the pitcher does."

If Posada does go on the DL, the Yankees would probably call up Chad Moeller.

What do you think, what's worse, losing Posada or Jeter? ?


Anonymous said...

Easy. Losing Posada is the more grave situation. Posada's bat lengthens the lineup's punch and puts greater tension on the opposing starter to not put guys on base.

Posada is a run producer. Significant time down will cost the Yankees.

-- BxScion, from the yesnetwork boards

Greg Cohen said...

I agree, I think Posada is the greater loss as well.

I'm just very interested to see what other fans are thinking.

Thanks for the comment.

Unknown said...

I do like the idea of Arod at short and Ensberg at third, but Alex saying he hasnt even taken a ground ball at short in years kills alot of the hope. There's no time to make that kind of adjustment. Well see...

Greg Cohen said...

That's my fears too Derek. I don't know how much of an adjustment he'd have to make, and then when Jeter comes back he's going to have to re-adjust back to third. It may screw with him too much. And like I said earlier today; we all know Alex is a head case.

I don't know if you heard, but Alberto Gonzalez did not play tonight (he was supposed to start, but was taken out of the lineup).
So he may be the guy to replace Jeter if he goes on the DL.

I think I'd rather see Ransom get a shot.