Tuesday, April 8, 2008

What to do about shortstop?

In Jeter's (hopefully short) absence who is going to replace him at short? That's the big question of the day. Tyler Kepner suggests the Yankees might move A-Rod over and start Morgan Ensberg at third. Jon Harper of the Daily News says Girardi shouldn't even think about A-Rod at short. I kind of agree with the latter. A-Rod hasn't played short since 2005 and hasn't started a game at short since 2003, when he was still a Texas Ranger. He may not be as comfortable there as he used to be.

Even if he can still play the position well (he probably can) I just don't think this is what the Yanks need right now. A-Rod is a head case, we all know this, and he has found a comfort zone over at third, I wouldn't mess with that. The last thing the Yankees need is A-Rod getting adjusted to short, and then when he moves back to third starts throwing balls into the seats. Keep him at third and call up Gonzalez or Ransom if Betemit can't do the job.

This was one of the reasons I didn't think Betemit should have been on this roster, a utility guy needs to be able to play short and second, and play them well, and Betemit is not a good shortstop.

What would you do if you were Joe Girardi? Who would you put at short?


Mike said...

I would play Betemit as SS and leave everyone else alone.

No need to disrupt 3/4 of the infield and limit bench moves because 1 guy got hurt.

Plug the hole and play on.

Greg Cohen said...

Agreed. I just hope Betemit can hold his own defensively.