Monday, June 9, 2008

Veras Pitched 8th due to Farnsworth's "Cranky Bicep"

From Anthony Rieber:
Yankees fans probably sighed with relief when Jose Veras and not Kyle Farnsworth was called on to protect a three-run lead in the eighth inning of yesterday's 6-3 win over the Royals.

But don't rejoice just yet, Farnsworth-bashers. Joe Girardi revealed that he passed over Farnsworth because of a "cranky bicep," not a desire to change the bullpen pecking order.

"He said he was available, but it was my thought to give him a couple of days," Girardi said.
I don't know what I was thinking. I actually believed that Girardi had smartened up, and realized that after three or four bad outings from Farnsworth that it was the time to try someone new in the 8th. But of course not, Girardi still trusts his boy, and don't be surprised to see The Farns in a big spot some time soon.

If it were up to me, I'd keep running Veras out there until he shows he can't do that job.