Thursday, June 26, 2008

Shawn Chacon is Mad As Hell and He's Not Going to Take It Anymore!

Shawn Chacon was so angry about being taken out of the starting rotation that he pulled a Latrell Sprewell on his GM.

From ESPN:
Chacon, upset after getting demoted to the bullpen over the weekend, told the Houston Chronicle this problem began when Wade saw him in the dining room before the game against Texas. Wade wanted to meet with Chacon in manager Cecil Cooper's office, the pitcher said.

"I sat down to eat and Ed Wade came to me and very sternly said, 'You need to come with me to the office,'" Chacon said. "I said, 'For what?' I said, 'I don't want to go to the office with you and Cooper.' And I said, 'You can tell me whatever you got to tell me right here.' He's like, 'Oh, you want me to tell you right here?' And I said, 'Yeah.' I'm not yelling. I'm calm."

Chacon said things went downhill from there.

"He started yelling and cussing," Chacon said of Wade, according to a story on the Chronicle's Web site. "I'm sitting there and I said to him very calmly, 'Ed, you need to stop yelling at me.' Then I stood up and said, 'You better stop yelling at me.' I stood up. He continued and was basically yelling."

Chacon said that after Wade told him he needed to "look in the mirror," it got worse.

"So at that point I lost my cool and I grabbed him by the neck and threw him to the ground. I jumped on top of him," he said. "Words were exchanged."

That's a little more than exchanging words, isn't it?

Chacon then said that he was pulled off of Wade by teammates. He has been suspended indefinitely by the team.

Chacon also said this:
"Maybe it shouldn't have happened," Chacon said. "But when you do those things and you're yelling at somebody and you're cussing you better know what type of person you're dealing with. If there's any regret, I just wish they had just let me alone. I wish they had left me alone," he told the Chronicle.
Hey idiot, the fact that Wade was "yelling and cussing" at you doesn't give you the right to attack the man. You should have wished that YOU went to the manager's office, and not attacked your GM.

Don't be surprised if you never see Chacon on the mound again, unless Brian Cashman signs him, we all know how much he loves other team's castoffs and bad apples.


Anonymous said...

What a punk. How can this guy get upset about losing his starting role when his ERA is above 5? Who does he think he is?

Greg Cohen said...

The guy is a moron, that's the bottom line.

Anonymous said...

This is the problem with sports today. These athletes don't think they have to listen to anybody so they act the way they think is correct. This guy should be suspended for the rest of the season, so other players know this kind of behavior is unacceptable.

Unknown said...

Why is the first move always the choke/takedown? When im in a heated argument and feel like im being disrespected, usually the first physical contact is that Daddy Dearest poke to the chest. That usually prevokes them enough to toss the first punch, or a chest bump, even a headbutt is more economical than the chokehold/lou thesz press/stf/takedown... haha.

I dont get it.