Friday, December 19, 2008

Jeter's Speech is TYIB Moment of the Year

The Yankees faced an end to their streak of 13 consecutive postseason appearances in the Stadium finale on Sept. 21, but that did little to dampen the celebration after a 7-3 win over the Orioles. Leading the rousing sendoff was Jeter, who took the microphone to address the Stadium faithful. "For all of us up here, it's a huge honor to put this uniform on every day and come out here and play," said the veteran shortstop, who earned 34.7 percent of the TYIB votes. Finishing second at 22.3 percent was Rangers outfielder Josh Hamilton, who blasted a record 28 long balls in the first round of the Home Run Derby -- at Yankee Stadium, no less.
Here is Jeter's speech:

This got me thinking about this year's best Yankees moments. Last year I wrote a post about what I thought were the top 10 Yankees moments of the '07 season, but this year I'm going to leave it up to you.

In a few days I will put up a poll with about 20 moments and let you guys pick the top ten, but for now would you guys mind listing some of your favorite memories of the '08 season in the comments section below? Thanks a lot.


Anonymous said...

Here's a few off the top of my head

- Damon's 6-for-6 vs. the Royals

- The All-Star game

- Joba vs. Beckett in Fenway

- Wang vs. CC back in April, I think the Yanks won 1-0.

- Giambi's walk-off against the Jays.

Anonymous said...

Good stuff anonymous, here's some more:

- Opening day

- Pettitte vs. Santana at Shea

- Gardner and Giambi's walk-offs against the Red Sox

- That crazy game against the Angels where Nady had a monster game.

- Jeter becomes the all-time hits leader at Yankee Stadium

Greg Cohen said...

Thanks guys, keep 'em coming.

Anonymous said...

Jeter's speech should definitely be No. 1, and Damon's 6 hits (first time ever by a Yankee at the Stadium) also deserves to be on the list.

Gardner robbing Luke Scott of a HR on Sept. 19 was awesome.

Even though he's not a Yankee, Josh Hamilton's performance in the HR Derby was one of the top Stadium moments of the year.

Greg Cohen said...

Thanks Anon, I completely forgot about that play by Gardner.

Anybody else have any ideas?

Anonymous said...

A-Rod passing the Mick

Anonymous said...

Also, when Giambi gave the finger to someone (Brain Roberts?) and Sidney Ponson's first start back with the yanks.