Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sunday's Teixeira Rumors

First from Kevin Kernan:
The Yankees are in this game, make no mistake. The Red Sox are not completely out either, despite owner John Henry's e-mail claiming otherwise. The Yankees, according to multiple industry sources, have had serious conversations with Boras about Teixeira and will continue those talks. They have yet to put their best offer on the table.
Mr. Kernan, like myself, feels that Teixeira would be almost a perfect fit for this team:
Adding Teixeira would help in so many ways. His on-base percentage was .410. Alex Rodriguez led the Yankees with a .392 mark. Teixeira hit 33 home runs. His presence in the lineup would make A-Rod that much more valuable. This is no different than having David Ortiz and Ramirez. Ortiz has not been the same without Manny.
Teixeira is younger than Manny and offers two big advantages, his defense at first and he's a power-oriented switch-hitter.

Think of the success the Yankees had when they had Bernie Williams in such a role. Older fans can think back to the success of switch-hitter Mickey Mantle anchoring the lineup. A power switch-hitter gives a manager so many more options. During his prime, Jorge Posada offered much in that department.

Michael S. Schmidt of the New York Times had this to say:

The Yankees are interested in signing Teixeira, according to two people in baseball with knowledge of the matter, but for the moment are unwilling to pay him more than $160 million over eight years, one of them said.
And Kat O'Brien confirms that the Yankees and Boras did speak on Friday, but it was Boras who initiated the conversation:

One source said Boras gave Cashman an estimate of what it would cost to land Teixeira, a superb defensive and offensive first baseman. The ballpark figure reportedly was about $22 million to $23 million per year on an eight-year contract, for a total of $180 million to $185 million.

The source said Boras wanted to give the Yankees an opportunity to make an offer. The Yankees currently do not have an offer on the table for Teixeira.

...A source said the Yankees have not ruled out making an offer for Teixeira, saying: "We're debating it. Some in the organization want to do it."
So there is your Sunday Mark Teixeira related articles. Kind of interesting.

It would seem that the Yankees are weighing their options right now and may be willing to make an offer for Teixeira depending on what other teams do. If the highest offer remains at $180 for 8 years I think the Yanks might beat that. But from everything I've read I doubt that they will go as high as $200 million, and they won't go more than 8 years.

There was also a report yesterday that said that Teixeira would likely make his decision in the next few days.


Anonymous said...

Just to DREAM for a moment, can you imagine the following play-off line-up? I know it wouldn't work defensively everyday and we will need to get Melky/Gardner/etc into the mix but...

Damon (CF)
Jeter (SS)
Arod (3B)
Teixeira (1B)
Nady (LF)
Posada (C)
Swisher (RF)
Matsui (DH)
Cano (2B)

with the following play-off rotation:

CC Sabathia (game 1)
Wang (game 2)
Burnett (game 3)
Andy Pettitte (game 4?)

JOBA AND MARIANO in the pen for innings 7-9 - LIGHTS OUT!

OH, please St. Nick, put Tex under the tree for CHRISTMAS!! (or better yet, Hannukah starts today and what a way to kick off the festival of lights...)

Anonymous said...

Reasons to take Manny of Tex..

Tex is a number three hitter.. A Rod is your prototype number 4. So, if you have Tex.. he has to be your number three.. who is protecting A Rod?

Nady? Posada? Come on.. not scary. Throw Many behind A Rod. and A Rod will hit 60, bat 330 and drive in 160, at LEAST. Because they will have no choice but to pitch to A Rod being Manny is behind him. Don't get me wrong. I like Tex too. In a perfect selfish world, we could have both. If we can have one, I go Man-Ram. Put Cano or Nady in the three slot. Either or will also get pitched too different being those two are next.. the whole team will hit better. Who wants to argue that?


Mike B. said...

Either way we'll have a potent line-up at the plate, but when I also think about defense I have to give the nod to a line-up that includes Tex.

We'll be a great team with either Tex or Manny. It should be a fun Christmas/Hannukah season in NYC.


Anonymous said...

It doesn't seem like A-Rod hurt last year with Matsui protecting him... Not to jinx anything, but if Tex were to come.... I'd do

1.Damon - LF
2.Jeter - SS
3.Teixeira - 1B
4.A-Rod - 3B
5.Matsui - DH
6.Posada - C
7.Swisher - RF
8.Cano - 2B
9.Melky - CF

Maybe switch Swisher and Cano, but probably not... I just don't really like Nady... albeit in a contract year. I'd give Joba the start over Pettitte in the playoffs... Can't wait for Melancon to come and distract everyone as the new toy... or even Robertson...

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the organization is split on both Tex and Manny, with the Steinbrenner boys wanting a bat and Cashman believing we have enough offense now that Jorge and Matsui will back in the lineup. But how do we know what those two will give us after their surgeries? Especially Jorge?

Greg Cohen said...

I agree, I don't think the Yankees should go into the season with the lineup as it is. They need a bat.

Anonymous said...

Teixeira at a premium is still a deal for the yankees, because he makes all their other winter investments all that much more valuable. He's a much wiser investment than Manny, since he greatly improves the defense as well as offense. Thus he improves the return the yankees get on their pitching investments directly, where as manny waters them down. Manny's total cost to the team is not reflected in his salary.

Joe said...

Can this obsession with Tex PLEASE stop?

He's another Giambi, sure maybe he will hit 37 home runs in a season, and maybe have as good a OBP as Jason. How far did that get us?

How many times has he been in the playoffs? Other than a half season with L.A., ZERO! A real good regular season player, just what we need. Oh, and a guy who's just toying with all these teams bluffing with contracts and how much money he wants and who has made him offers, just what we need.

Anonymous said...

AGREED.. although he wasn't shooting up like Giambi was when we signed him.

The TWO big reasons you sign Manny over Tex is this. He will help A Rod get pitched to more. and he is clutch.. post season and regular season. He is a hitting machine. Nough said


Greg Cohen said...

There are two major differences between Giambi and Teixeira; Giambi is a cheater, Tex isn't, and Teixeira is a gold glove first baseman and Giambi is terrible defensively.

Joe said...

Cheater or not, with those stats, when he cheated or didn't cheat, they still didn't win jack.

I think that the Yankees are moving away from the "signing position players at a extreme high hoping they keep their numbers up" to catching on to the rest of the league and spending money on pitching, where we all know in October, is what it comes down to.