Friday, April 3, 2009

First it was the grass...

Now they've begun taking down the back exterior wall of the old stadium:

The first two pictures were sent to be by a friend of mine who was at yesterday's workout. The third comes from BJ on Picasa Web.

I like the new stadium, but seeing this makes me sick. I don't really know what else to say, except I better get used to this, because it's only going to get worse.


anonyMOOSE said...

Farewell, old friend.

I love the new stadium and believe it was ultimately the best thing to do, but that doesn't make the old stadium's passing any easier to deal with. It's going to be weird, for sure.

crossfire said...

This is truly painful to see. I love the new Stadium but I never really thought they needed to leave the old one. I knew it was coming down but actually seeing it feels like a punch in the stomach.

I'll miss it forever.

SteveB said...

I can't look at it.

Maybe they'll find some buried treasure or something that will make it a little easier to stomach.

Anonymous said...

ugh... that blows

Will said...

i always hated that back wall they put in in the 70s. Yankee Stadium was awesome when it opened into a vast expanse making center field and the bleachers seem even larger. so for now good riddance to that wall. I hope they tear that back wall down first completely and then someone can get a photo of the old stadium without it one last time from the upper deck.

27forYanks said...

those pictures can make a grown man cry

Liam Gallagher said...


yankeefan91 arod fan said...

oo crap i remember i wrote on that wall ma name and the date last season in the summer when i went to a yankee game when they were facin the royals

Bronx Baseball Daily said...

Woah. I'd rather not see this. I wish they did it quickly like they did over with Shea. And not long and drawn out.

crosetti32 said...

That's painful. You're right, it's only going to get worse. My grandfather played ball there....wonder if he's watching.

Anonymous said...

Wow its so sad for me to see this mammouth cathedral of baseball come down. Ive had some good memories here .I like the new stadium,but I loved this place.Goodbye and thank you,for the memories and stories.