Saturday, May 9, 2009

More Stadium Problem: Diamond Vision Already Broken

First off I want to send a big hat-tip over to Ross at New Stadium Insider for noticing this.

We have obstructed seats, empty seats, absolutely zero atmosphere, monument cave, insulting former Yankee greats, insulting opposing teams' broadcasters, a near riot breaking out, and now a broken video screen. and yes it's the massive 101 ft x 59 ft screen in center field. Apparently a week in the rain was just too much for the giant Mitsubishi HD Diamond Vision scoreboard to handle, because as you can see below there is definitely something wrong with it.

The two pictures below come from New Stadium Insider, and you can check out more on that site by going here.

(click to enlarge)

Hopefully they fix this quickly because, like a lot of other new stadium issues, it's just embarrassing.


Brian Danuff said...

I can't really tell what's wrong with it. Is it the small white lines on the screen that's the problem?

Peter F. said...

I don't see anything. I see the closed captioning on the right-hand screen. What is wrong with the big one? Looked good to me and I have been to almost every game.

Peter F. said...

Okay...I see the little white specs...Pixels probably got fried. Ugh!

Greg Cohen said...

Yes, I'm referring to those white lines. That's not something you want to see on what is probably a $20 million+ video screen.

Ross said...

It is the little white things that look like "sound meters" on the right hand side of the screen.

Anonymous said...

I cant really tell whats wrong with the video screen until you look really closely. I'm sure they will repair it.

Some of the complaints about the stadium are stupid. The only thing wrong with the stadium is the empty seats. Obviously yankees overpriced some seats. And the obstructed bleacher seats suck but they are only 5 dollars. I sat in the 14 dollar bleachers seats at the new stadium and it is a great seat and view.

I dont understand the complaint about monument park. You can go visit it before the game and it looks great. I dont know where people want them to put Monument park. Why dont the yankees put monument park in the middle of the pitchers mound so everyone could see it.

Anonymous said...

I agree anon...Empty seats are annoying but Ive had fun at evrry game I went to....Plus a big reason a lot of seats are empty up top is because you can walk down to the bottom and see the game from everywhere...There were things wrong w the old stadium too but you just went and enjoyed it for what it was and eventually people will do that w this one as well. it'll take sometime and enough complaints (or empty seats) to get that old stadium feel back

Greg Cohen said...

I've been to five games and I don't like the place, that's my opinion. It's a great place to go and do just about everything but watch the game, and to me watching the game is the most important part.

Anonymous said...

lol Greg my suggestion to you would be to stop going to games then, or get used to it , because this is the home of the yankees now. Quite frankly they dont care if you dont like it.

Greg Cohen said...

When did I say or suggest that they did care? This is a blog where I state my opinion and you guys state yours. The Yankees don't care about any of us, which ironically is part of the problem.

Rob S said...

Hey guys i used to work in electronic retail, there is a one year limited warranty on there so Yanks can probably just exchange it out for a new one, if it is a manufacturer issue. Hopefully they bought the extended warranty though because, I have a Mitsubishi and if i did not have the warranty I would be in beyond debt to watch the yanks and broncos, LOL.

rpb said...

To those who can't leave their name and who say there is nothing wrong with this 1.5 billion stadium are either 10 years old or have the intellect of a 10 year old. You are lost!
You're probably all virgins, acne face geeks, and never bought anything with your own money except a Mc Donalds happy meal for the toy.
You know nothing about life, nothing about baseball, and you contribute nothing to the coinversation. So stay the fuck off and read your comic books and let the adults speak.

Greg Cohen said...
