Friday, September 18, 2009

Bernie Nominated for Latin Grammy

From Jack Curry:
On Thursday, Williams’s second album, “Moving Forward,” was nominated by his peers for “Best Instrumental Album.” Williams, who attended the Latin Grammy Awards as a fan last year, said he was “elated” to learn that he would return to the event as a nominee.

“I don’t have many words right now that can explain how excited and grateful I am about this nomination,” Williams said in a statement. “When I stopped playing baseball, I knew that I would become more dedicated to my music. Just to have the chance to sign with Reform Records and create this CD was a tremendous opportunity. Now, to already have my first Latin Grammy nomination from my fellow musicians is beyond anything I could have dreamed.”
Congrats Bernie! Good luck and I hope you take home the award.

Here's Bernie performing "Go For It" from the album on The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson:

Bernie! Bernie! Bernie!


crossfire said...

Congrats Bernie!!!

bigb said...

Did anyone watch Barnie perform the National Anthem at the little league world series last month?
If he hadn't choose baseball (thank god he did), he would have been one of the most successful guitar players of all time.

Anonymous said...

i don't know about that....he's pretty good but definitely not even in the same conversation of some of the lowest end of the greatest guitar players of all time